Lordz Leaving :(

Hey guys i made this topic cuz Lordz is leaving....I just wanted to say bye to my best friend and a very good scripter .... bye brother.... be sure that we will miss you

Will miss ya buddy, so long hope to see you again any where...

What is the reason of his leaving? I will miss him though we never met each other. May he succeed in his life aim

He told me that he had problems, He already planned leaving weeks ago, I stopped him, But now...

What problems? I don't know, If he doesn't wan't to tell me, I'm sure he won't tell you, We will never know it.

Lordz, I'll never forget you, We did chat a lot and had a lot of fun talking together, I'll miss you.
Originally Posted by Lordz
I may soon end up the guy named "Lordz" from my life. Lordz was a guy who always plays games, code and enjoys. I actually got introduced to such activities when Lordz was introduced to me, but I'm gonna remove him from my soul and body soon, I guess. Then no more Lordz which means he won't be available to you guys then.
R.I.P lordz, We will never forget you, Atleast I won't.

One of your best friends, Mickey

No offense - But why the drama ? - If you are leaving.. I'd tell you Good bye - Enjoy your life - If not , Why did you make this topic ?

Originally Posted by Breto
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No offense - But why the drama ? - If you are leaving.. I'd tell you Good bye - Enjoy your life - If not , Why did you make this topic ?
2 words : Go away.

Lol why did you create a topic? Atleast in my sad moments at my real life, you made me "ROFL" and thanks for that. And yeah I'm thinking of leaving everything, idk whats troubling me, I'm im...not feeling so good.

Might leave, or I might change my decision in removing the character Lordz. I'll surely miss you all, especially Emmet_, xkirill, justsomeguy, Epic_Mickey, XtremeR, Jansish, ******(We haven't talked much, but idk he's a good guy to me and helps me!), Evil_Dragon, Ironboy, LeGGGeNNdA, Mark, and many others+ all of them in my friends list and others too. I hope I will not leave forever... :/

Deleted, Did it for the Lordzandmickeyhaters

Originally Posted by Breto
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No offense - But why the drama ? - If you are leaving.. I'd tell you Good bye - Enjoy your life - If not , Why did you make this topic ?
He's not your average join and quit dramafag. He's somebody that actually meant something to the SA-MP community.

He contributed too.

If he has personal issues, y'all better let him go.

If he thinks the Lordz life is too much now, It's HIS choice. Not yours. Let people make their own choices.

It's sad to see such a cool guy going. Will miss your posting, you probably don't even know me though .

Good luck with whatever it is you're planning on doing. Enjoy yourself.

Originally Posted by Lordz™
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Lol why did you create a topic? Atleast in my sad moments at my real life, you made me "ROFL" and thanks for that. And yeah I'm thinking of leaving everything, idk whats troubling me, I'm im...not feeling so good.

Might leave, or I might change my decision in removing the character Lordz. I'll surely miss you all, especially Emmet_, xkirill, justsomeguy, Epic_Mickey, XtremeR, Jansish, ******(We haven't talked much, but idk he's a good guy to me and helps me!), Evil_Dragon, Ironboy, LeGGGeNNdA, Mark, and many others+ all of them in my friends list and others too. I hope I will not leave forever... :/
Good luck with your life, peace.

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