[FilterScript] [FS] Ambulance Interior

Ambulance Interior

This is a small filterscript/map built using 35 objects to look like the back of an ambulance. It works the same way as my
other filterscript (Bus Interior). It teleports you to a small interior made with objects when you enter the ambulance
(VehicleID:416) as passenger.

How to get to it...
To get in it as a normal player, get in the back of any ambulance and you will be automatically teleported to the interior.
To get in as RCON Admin, obviously you first have to log into RCON then type /gotoambu to get to it and /exitambu
to teleport back to wherever you were.

Other commands...
I added a /stretcher command for anyone to use which makes you lay down on the stretcher using the beach laying
anim and /stopanimation to stand back up again.

Also for RCON Admin there's a /watchambu command, which just sets your camera in the back without actually being
in it so you can watch people in it without them seeing. To stop watching type /watchoff which again like /exitambu,
sets you back to wherever you were before.

Note: If you don't want any commands just remove everything under OnPlayerCommandText.

Some screenshots:
From the front end of the ambulance (back of the room) looking at the back doors.

As you can see in the screenshot... in the middle theres a stretcher and on the right theres some random machines
that are supposed to be like some sort of medical equipment. :P There's a kinda rusty wheelchair on the left as you
enter and a couch on the right.

Screenshot taken from /watchambu with Claude laying on the stretcher.

Other Notes-
I know it's a bit cramped but I wanted it to look realistic and like it was actually in the back of the ambulance.
Also since GTA never had any hospital interior there's hardly any decent objects that look like medical stuff.

Download (.pwn & .amx)

its a nice interior i wish i could map that good with interiors!


/exitambu does'nt work

Originally Posted by cj101
/exitambu does'nt work
did you read prres enter -_-

Hey. really nice interior
omg u made claude sick /me doesn't like people who make claude hurt
anyways, I have been trying to make a limousine interior for a while now but can't find the object ID of a wall. like the one you have in your ambulance and bus, I want the wall model id pls.
Sorry lol I went to this link from your sig. didn't realise the last post was in october last year

It's true, GTA doesn't have any hospital interior.
This FS it's really cool!


The map is awesome. It's a perfect script for roleplaying servers, they can even RP in it! :P

Good job, will be using this.

I hope you don't mind but I edited it to a Enforcer Interior.

Oh and the desk is a table for someone to lay on it makes as a bed.

Valhalla Roleplay now uses it :P

Hey man. Can you answer my question pls
I want the model ID for the object of a wall. pls

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