MainMenuTxtDraw Help

I want to make main menu text draw for my server which can be seen during login or registration just like in NGRP, How do i make that?

You could try look up in some scripts textdraw or TD and get some ideas from there if you tell me the script you are using or something I could try & create one for you.

Yea i am using a zGaming Script as you said i added it from a script into my but didnt work at all.

Haha mate, I'm in the process of a heavy edit from it, so let me whip something up, also is there any other bugs because I've fixed basically everything

& can you show me what you want the TD to look like?

I expect something like this

Hmm I'll try, not promising butI'll try. can you post the code of what you tryed before? Also do u have anymore problems with the script

Here are those all what i tried
// WristWatch
	new string[128];
	WristWatch = TextDrawCreate(577.000000, 50.000000, string);
	TextDrawAlignment(WristWatch, 2);
	TextDrawBackgroundColor(WristWatch, 255);
	TextDrawFont(WristWatch, 3);
	TextDrawLetterSize(WristWatch, 0.709998, 2.100001);
	TextDrawColor(WristWatch, -1);
	TextDrawSetOutline(WristWatch, 1);
	TextDrawSetProportional(WristWatch, 0);
	// Bottom Box 1
	MainMenuTxtdraw[0] = TextDrawCreate(-1.000000, 342.000000, "MainMenuTxtdraw0");
	TextDrawBackgroundColor(MainMenuTxtdraw[0], 0);
	TextDrawFont(MainMenuTxtdraw[0], 1);
	TextDrawLetterSize(MainMenuTxtdraw[0], 0.839999, 11.600002);
	TextDrawColor(MainMenuTxtdraw[0], 0);
	TextDrawSetOutline(MainMenuTxtdraw[0], 0);
	TextDrawSetProportional(MainMenuTxtdraw[0], 1);
	TextDrawSetShadow(MainMenuTxtdraw[0], 1);
	TextDrawUseBox(MainMenuTxtdraw[0], 1);
	TextDrawBoxColor(MainMenuTxtdraw[0], 255);
	TextDrawTextSize(MainMenuTxtdraw[0], 677.000000, 134.000000);
	// Top Box 1
	MainMenuTxtdraw[1] = TextDrawCreate(-10.000000, -18.000000, "MainMenuTxtdraw1");
	TextDrawBackgroundColor(MainMenuTxtdraw[1], 0);
	TextDrawFont(MainMenuTxtdraw[1], 1);
	TextDrawLetterSize(MainMenuTxtdraw[1], 0.500000, 13.000000);
	TextDrawColor(MainMenuTxtdraw[1], 0);
	TextDrawSetOutline(MainMenuTxtdraw[1], 0);
	TextDrawSetProportional(MainMenuTxtdraw[1], 1);
	TextDrawSetShadow(MainMenuTxtdraw[1], 1);
	TextDrawUseBox(MainMenuTxtdraw[1], 1);
	TextDrawBoxColor(MainMenuTxtdraw[1], 255);
	TextDrawTextSize(MainMenuTxtdraw[1], 770.000000, 0.000000);
	// Bottom Box 2
	MainMenuTxtdraw[2] = TextDrawCreate(-1.000000, 342.000000, "MainMenuTxtdraw2");
	TextDrawBackgroundColor(MainMenuTxtdraw[2], 0);
	TextDrawFont(MainMenuTxtdraw[2], 1);
	TextDrawLetterSize(MainMenuTxtdraw[2], 0.839999, -0.799999);
	TextDrawColor(MainMenuTxtdraw[2], 0);
	TextDrawSetOutline(MainMenuTxtdraw[2], 0);
	TextDrawSetProportional(MainMenuTxtdraw[2], 1);
	TextDrawSetShadow(MainMenuTxtdraw[2], 1);
	TextDrawUseBox(MainMenuTxtdraw[2], 1);
	TextDrawBoxColor(MainMenuTxtdraw[2], 6730751);
	TextDrawTextSize(MainMenuTxtdraw[2], 677.000000, 131.000000);
	// Top Box 1
	MainMenuTxtdraw[3] = TextDrawCreate(-10.000000, 102.000000, "MainMenuTxtdraw3");
	TextDrawBackgroundColor(MainMenuTxtdraw[3], 6730751);
	TextDrawFont(MainMenuTxtdraw[3], 1);
	TextDrawLetterSize(MainMenuTxtdraw[3], 0.500000, 0.199999);
	TextDrawColor(MainMenuTxtdraw[3], 0);
	TextDrawSetOutline(MainMenuTxtdraw[3], 0);
	TextDrawSetProportional(MainMenuTxtdraw[3], 1);
	TextDrawSetShadow(MainMenuTxtdraw[3], 1);
	TextDrawUseBox(MainMenuTxtdraw[3], 1);
	TextDrawBoxColor(MainMenuTxtdraw[3], 6730751);
	TextDrawTextSize(MainMenuTxtdraw[3], 770.000000, 138.000000);

And i just want the textdraw not the names like what in the above pic.

So just the top name with ur servers name? & did u try adding the defines etc?

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