Script Help (Dessprate)

Why do some filterscripts need to be put before other in the config file in order to work in game right? If I put my register FS as the first FS loaded then it works great and I have no troubles. But if I put it after and other FS's then it will load in the servers pannel but will not work in game?!

I have been asking for a long time now as to what peice of coding within the FS make it do this. I know there has to be something. Some FS can load and work in game no matter what position they are in. And then others will only work if they are the fisrt of the FS loaded. This is getting really annoying and I have been looking for help for over 3 weeks now. This is beginning to piss me off!

I have ****** searched, Bing searched, asked around in the forums, PMed the FS makers. ALL TO NO f****** avail. Grrr! I know there is something makeing them do this so what is it and how to I rip it guts out so this never happens again?!?!

Yes Im a bit mad right now. This is not towards anyone on SAMP. This is mearly my frustration to the coding world as many, correction ALL of us have had at one point or another. Anyone who takes pride in making there server an enjoyable and fun server will understand that this issue is possing a big problem to me expanding.

Many of you think im tlaking about the order FS are loaded in. IM NOT! Im talking about FS working in game based on what order they are loaded from the config file. For instance my register ststem. If it is the first FS loaded in the config file then it will work in game and load users data. HOWEVER if it is second, third, fourth, fifth, ect ect to be loaded it will not work in game! I have three FS that are like this. NO I AM NOT OVER MY FS LIMIT OF 10! I only have 5 FS!

Why does it bother you that bad? Filterscripts are loaded in the order you put them in server.cfg......
Say you put 'admin' and then 'interiors' it will first load the 'admin' filterscript.. Just deal with it..

Are you just stupid, blind or both? Learn to read before you post retarted comments! It bothers me because the FS do not work IN GAME. Or do I need to space spell it out for you?! If you have nothing nice or helpful to post the keep your mouth shut and keep it to yourself.


compare each filterscripts' functions/callbacks used, and pay special attention to the return's at the functions end. if you load f.ex my old fireworks script, which contains a return 1; in its dialog response, it will stop the gamemodes' dialogresponses. when you remove that return 1; from my script, then it wont stop other dialogs being processed.
one first start would be: sort your callbacks, its easier to compare them (maybe on 2 monitors lol)
another way would be to load only 2 filterscripts, loaded in a different order, to track down the "bug".
yes, that bothered me for a long time aswell, i have read shit like "make it return 1, or return 0, or return -1" - the sad fact is, "return" means fucking RETURNing a value, regardless of the value, therefore it stops processing.
tip#1: make a backup of your entire filterscripts directory (copy it to somewhere else), so you can modify your existing scripts with no need to worry about to screw them.

addition: i AM talking of the order of loading the scripts, its vital to know how each script behaves.
modifying the order can lead you to the right conclusion.

Pay some-one to fix it for you seeing your post makes me angry which i never got if you can't fix it yourself

just pay someone to fix it or Update your whole folder newly again and plugins everyrthing in start off!

Originally Posted by zero4000
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Are you just stupid, blind or both? Learn to read before you post retarted comments! It bothers me because the FS do not work IN GAME. Or do I need to space spell it out for you?! If you have nothing nice or helpful to post the keep your mouth shut and keep it to yourself.

LOL, Chill out, I'm trying to help. In any case why would you place the register/admin FS not at the first place? The problem might be because the first FS uses something related to admins and the admin FS is the second in the order.

Thank you babul! Your answer is helpful. You have showed me where the error is and now I just need to put in the time as to finding it! As for you other two your answers are completly useless. And you yoyo no telling me to deal with it is not trying to help. People like you make me want to put your heads through walls.

You idiots have no idea whats going on and only confuse noobs like me when you post your useless bullshit. Again Babul THANK YOU! Rep+

P.S would you reccomend a certain callback to look at or would it be much easier to just go through all of them. I can tell you right now they are all return 1; very few are going to be return 0;. Also I also has my servers backed up to a .zip file on a external hard drive.

Originally Posted by Nirzor
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Pay some-one to fix it for you seeing your post makes me angry which i never got if you can't fix it yourself

just pay someone to fix it or Update your whole folder newly again and plugins everyrthing in start off!
I saved your comment for last. No im not going to pay someone (YOU) to redo all this when all it require is someone showing me in the right direction and me putting in the man hours to fix it. Im not lazy nor about to let a problem accur that I can't fix. This may be how you live you life, just letting others take care of your messes but thats not how I live mine.

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