CentOS 6 problem... ./samp03svr doing nothing.

It just creates a new line for input. Says nothing, logs nothing. I've restarted the dedi, reuploaded the server files. Can't seem to figure this out.

Explain, if you wanna run your VPS, maybe try: nohup ./samp03svr &

or first cd to your samp folder

If you are using screen or nohup to launch server, it doesnt behave the same way as the windows server console. While server is running, change directories to your SAMP server dir and do

"tail -f server_log.txt"

Play on server, you should see server_log.txt updating as usual.

If you ARE using screen, Make sure you hit ctrl-a and then the 'd' key to disconnect from the screen. Simply closing the SSH window will stop your server.

Open your port, if you have firewall open ports in firewall, if you have iptables open port in iptables.

Example if you want open port 7777 you have write

iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 7777 -j ACCEPT

then service iptables save
after service iptables restart and

Check if you install well samp server and dont forget give permission chmod 700 * in samp directory

Check it here.


Sorry for my bad English.

I run CentOS6 as well, heres my "sampstart.sh" script:

navigate to SAMP folder
"nano sampstart.sh"
Paste the following in it:

screen -S samp ./samp03svr

ctrl-x to close, make sure you save changes
"chmod +x sampstart.sh"
Then to start server just navigate to SAMP folder and do "./sampstart.sh"

After it starts hit ctrl-a and then press 'd' to disconnect from screen. To reconnect do 'screen -r samp' if you want to ctrl-c your server (stops it).

To keep eye on server log do 'tail -f server_log.txt'

when you do ./samp-server at centos 6
It is just going to show "server started at port...".

I don't want to run the server in the background. I want to be able to CTRL+C end the server in order to restart it. I use a GUI so I can do that and not have to worry about closing my SSH. I had it running earlier but it just wont work now. I CD to my samp03 directory and do


All ports are automatically opened on the server, I'm not new to running game servers, I have a few others. Anyway, I don't understand at all what the problem is.

Is the server running? Can you join it and play it?

No I can not.

cd to your server and just execute this
nohup ./samp03svr &
It will ignore input and output and still run if you close the window.

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