15.11.2012, 21:52
Последний раз редактировалось MarkoN; 16.11.2012 в 09:36.
Gang Wars
I've decided to put this script on here since I don't need it anymore (actually i didn't need it for a while since this is one of my first projects - started it in 2011, December). The script used everything I knew back then, now i think it needs a little fixing (the timers can be more faster). Every known bug is fixed exept 1, the tower in the Vagos base needs to be moved a bit to the back. Just now i added the moving class selection (credits go to Lorenc_ since i was too lazy to make my own).
Note : I didn't add weapons so you can add them.
-y_ini -sscanf2 -foreach -streamer -zcmd -geoip
-sscanf -streamer -whirlpool
- Self written admin system
- Started working on an anti-cheat system (high ping kicker, anti-command spam, anti-chat spam, bad word filter)
- Donator Points (this idea came to me when playing League of Legends with riot points, but I never finished adding the donator shop - you just have to create the OnDialogResponse since the command is already there)
- Server vehicle plates (you can edit them in OnGamemodeInit)
- Vending machines removed, so the only way you can refill your hp is with donator shop
Player commands
/register - request to register /login - request to login /kill - kills you /(my)stats - shows your stats /report [ID] [Reason] - report a player /sync - got stuck? use this /stream [link of music stream here/link of radio stream here]
Level 1 - /kick - kicks a player ; /goto - teleport to a player ; /veh - spawn a vehicle Level 2 - /ban - ban a player Level 3 - /unban - unban a player ; /gethere - get a player to your position or vehicle ; /clearveh - clear a spawned vehicle ; /gdp - give someone donator points (giving donator points is logged) ; /®espawn(v)ehicle - respawn a veh Owner - 1337 - /restart - restarts the server ; /makeadmin - give someone admin status ; /®espawn(a)ll(v)ehicles - respawn all vehicles on the server
- 2 - fix vehicle - # [text] - admin chat
1.0.0 [Fix :] - Script released
- Tower in Los Santos Vagos gang base has to be moved a bit to the back
Download & credits
Download is in the attachment below. *Mirrors are accepted
- ****** - y_ini, sscanf and foreach, Whirlpool - Incognito - streamer - ZeeX - zcmd - Slice - geoip - Lorenc_ - the rotating camera.