sscanf probelms, pls help

sscanf problems with me now
1- when i use /i (id) some times work some times crash the whole server and closes and console
2- when it work it send unkown command but the command is responding....

the code:

pawn Код:
InfoFunction(playerid, params[])
    new ID;
    if(sscanf(params, "ius", ID)) SendClientMessage(playerid, BLANCO, "USAGE: /info(/i) [ID]");
    else if(ID == INVALID_PLAYER_ID) SendClientMessage(playerid, ROJO, "Player is not connected!");
pawn Код:
        new carid = GetPlayerVehicleID(ID);
        new zone[MAX_ZONE_NAME], string[100], name[50];
        GetPlayer2DZone(playerid, zone, MAX_ZONE_NAME);
        new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z;
        GetPlayerPos(ID, X, Y, Z);
        if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(ID) && SInfo[ID][pDonator] == 0 && SInfo[ID][pRegular] == 0)
            if(civilianteam[ID]==1 || ciateam[ID]==1)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~NONE ~n~~g~Team: ~w~Civilian ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~0 MPH ~n~~n~~b~Normal Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(playerid, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID));
            else if(armyteam[ID]==1)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~w~%d ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~NONE ~n~~g~Team: ~w~Army ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~0 MPH ~n~~n~~b~Normal Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID));
            else if(copteam[ID]==1)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~NONE ~n~~g~Team: ~w~Cop ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~0 MPH ~n~~n~~b~Normal Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID));
            else if(medicteam[ID]==1)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~NONE ~n~~g~Team: ~w~Medic ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~0 MPH ~n~~n~~b~Normal Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID));
            if(medicteam[ID]==0 && copteam[ID]==0 && armyteam[ID]==0 && ciateam[ID]==0 && civilianteam[ID]==0)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~NONE ~n~~g~Team: ~w~NONE ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~0 MPH ~n~~n~~b~Normal Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID));
            GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~n~    ~w~Press ~r~~h~'LCTRL/LMB' ~w~For Hide The~n~~w~Player Info!",5000,3);
        else if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(ID) && SInfo[ID][pDonator] == 0 && SInfo[ID][pRegular] == 0)
            if(civilianteam[ID]==1 || ciateam[ID]==1)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Team: ~w~Civilian ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~%d MPH ~n~~n~~b~Normal Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID),VehicleNames[GetVehicleModel(carid)-400], GetPlayerSpeed(ID));
            else if(armyteam[ID]==1)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~w~%d ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Team: ~w~Army ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~%d MPH ~n~~n~~b~Normal Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID),VehicleNames[GetVehicleModel(carid)-400], GetPlayerSpeed(ID));
            else if(copteam[ID]==1)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Team: ~w~Cop ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~%d MPH ~n~~n~~b~Normal Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z),  GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID),VehicleNames[GetVehicleModel(carid)-400], GetPlayerSpeed(ID));
            else if(medicteam[ID]==1)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Team: ~w~Medic ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~%d MPH ~n~~n~~b~Normal Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID),VehicleNames[GetVehicleModel(carid)-400], GetPlayerSpeed(ID));
            else if(medicteam[ID]==0 && copteam[ID]==0 && armyteam[ID]==0 && ciateam[ID]==0 && civilianteam[ID]==0)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Team: ~w~NONE ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~%d MPH ~n~~n~~b~Normal Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID),VehicleNames[GetVehicleModel(carid)-400], GetPlayerSpeed(ID));
            GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~n~    ~w~Press ~r~~h~LALT ~w~To Hide The~n~~w~Player Info!",5000,3);

        if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(ID) && SInfo[ID][pDonator] == 0 && SInfo[ID][pRegular] == 1)
            if(civilianteam[ID]==1 || ciateam[ID]==1)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~NONE ~n~~g~Team: ~w~Civilian ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~0 MPH ~n~~n~~b~Regular Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(playerid, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID));
            else if(armyteam[ID]==1)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~w~%d ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~NONE ~n~~g~Team: ~w~Army ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~0 MPH ~n~~n~~b~Regular Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID));
            else if(copteam[ID]==1)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~NONE ~n~~g~Team: ~w~Cop ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~0 MPH ~n~~n~~b~Regular Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID));
            else if(medicteam[ID]==1)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~NONE ~n~~g~Team: ~w~Medic ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~0 MPH ~n~~n~~b~Regular Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID));
            else if(medicteam[ID]==0 && copteam[ID]==0 && armyteam[ID]==0 && ciateam[ID]==0 && civilianteam[ID]==0)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~NONE ~n~~g~Team: ~w~NONE ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~0 MPH ~n~~n~~b~Regular Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID));
            GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~n~    ~w~Press ~r~~h~'LCTRL/LMB' ~w~For Hide The~n~~w~Player Info!",5000,3);
        else if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(ID) && SInfo[ID][pDonator] == 0 && SInfo[ID][pRegular] == 1)
            if(civilianteam[ID]==1 || ciateam[ID]==1)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Team: ~w~Civilian ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~%d MPH ~n~~n~~b~Regular Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID),VehicleNames[GetVehicleModel(carid)-400], GetPlayerSpeed(ID));
            else if(armyteam[ID]==1)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~w~%d ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Team: ~w~Army ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~%d MPH ~n~~n~~b~Regular Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID),VehicleNames[GetVehicleModel(carid)-400], GetPlayerSpeed(ID));
            else if(copteam[ID]==1)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Team: ~w~Cop ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~%d MPH ~n~~n~~b~Regular Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z),  GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID),VehicleNames[GetVehicleModel(carid)-400], GetPlayerSpeed(ID));
            else if(medicteam[ID]==1)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Team: ~w~Medic ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~%d MPH ~n~~n~~b~Regular Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID),VehicleNames[GetVehicleModel(carid)-400], GetPlayerSpeed(ID));
            else if(medicteam[ID]==0 && copteam[ID]==0 && armyteam[ID]==0 && ciateam[ID]==0 && civilianteam[ID]==0)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Team: ~w~NONE ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~%d MPH ~n~~n~~b~Regular Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID),VehicleNames[GetVehicleModel(carid)-400], GetPlayerSpeed(ID));
            GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~n~    ~w~Press ~r~~h~LALT ~w~To Hide The~n~~w~Player Info!",5000,3);
        if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(ID) && SInfo[ID][pDonator] == 1 && SInfo[ID][pRegular] == 1)
            if(civilianteam[ID]==1 || ciateam[ID]==1)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~NONE ~n~~g~Team: ~w~Civilian ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~0 MPH ~n~~n~~b~Regular Player/Donator Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(playerid, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID));
                GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~n~    ~w~Press ~r~~h~LMB ~w~For Hide The~n~~w~Player Info!",5000,3);
            else if(armyteam[ID]==1)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~w~%d ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~NONE ~n~~g~Team: ~w~Army ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~0 MPH ~n~~n~~b~Regular Player/Donator Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID));
                GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~n~    ~w~Press ~r~~h~LMB ~w~For Hide The~n~~w~Player Info!",5000,3);
            else if(copteam[ID]==1)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~NONE ~n~~g~Team: ~w~Cop ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~0 MPH ~n~~n~~b~Regular Player/Donator Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID));
                GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~n~    ~w~Press ~r~~h~LMB ~w~For Hide The~n~~w~Player Info!",5000,3);
            else if(medicteam[ID]==1)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~NONE ~n~~g~Team: ~w~Medic ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~0 MPH ~n~~n~~b~Regular Player/Donator Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID));
                GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~n~    ~w~Press ~r~~h~LMB ~w~For Hide The~n~~w~Player Info!",5000,3);
            else if(medicteam[ID]==0 && copteam[ID]==0 && armyteam[ID]==0 && ciateam[ID]==0 && civilianteam[ID]==0)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~NONE ~n~~g~Team: ~w~NONE ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~0 MPH ~n~~n~~b~Regular Player/Donator Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID));
                GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~n~    ~w~Press ~r~~h~LMB ~w~For Hide The~n~~w~Player Info!",5000,3);
            GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~n~    ~w~Press ~r~~h~'LCTRL/LMB' ~w~For Hide The~n~~w~Player Info!",5000,3);
        else if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(ID) &&  SInfo[ID][pDonator] == 1 && SInfo[ID][pRegular] == 1)
            if(civilianteam[ID]==1 || ciateam[ID]==1)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Team: ~w~Civilian ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~%d MPH ~n~~n~~b~Regular Player/Donator Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID),VehicleNames[GetVehicleModel(carid)-400], GetPlayerSpeed(ID));
            else if(armyteam[ID]==1)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~w~%d ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Team: ~w~Army ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~%d MPH ~n~~n~~b~Regular Player/Donator Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID),VehicleNames[GetVehicleModel(carid)-400], GetPlayerSpeed(ID));
            else if(copteam[ID]==1)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Team: ~w~Cop ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~%d MPH ~n~~n~~b~Regular Player/Donator Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z),  GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID),VehicleNames[GetVehicleModel(carid)-400], GetPlayerSpeed(ID));
            else if(medicteam[ID]==1)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Team: ~w~Medic ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~%d MPH ~n~~n~~b~Regular Player/Donator Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID),VehicleNames[GetVehicleModel(carid)-400], GetPlayerSpeed(ID));
            else if(medicteam[ID]==0 && copteam[ID]==0 && armyteam[ID]==0 && ciateam[ID]==0 && civilianteam[ID]==0)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Team: ~w~NONE ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~%d MPH ~n~~n~~b~Regular Player/Donator Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID),VehicleNames[GetVehicleModel(carid)-400], GetPlayerSpeed(ID));
            GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~n~    ~w~Press ~r~~h~LALT ~w~To Hide The~n~~w~Player Info!",5000,3);
        if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(ID) && SInfo[ID][pDonator] == 1 && SInfo[ID][pRegular] == 0)
            if(civilianteam[ID]==1 || ciateam[ID]==1)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~NONE ~n~~g~Team: ~w~Civilian ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~0 MPH ~n~~n~~b~Normal Player/Donator Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(playerid, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID));
            else if(armyteam[ID]==1)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~w~%d ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~NONE ~n~~g~Team: ~w~Army ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~0 MPH ~n~~n~~b~Normal Player/Donator Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID));
            else if(copteam[ID]==1)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~NONE ~n~~g~Team: ~w~Cop ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~0 MPH ~n~~n~~b~Normal Player/Donator Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID));
            else if(medicteam[ID]==1)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~NONE ~n~~g~Team: ~w~Medic ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~0 MPH ~n~~n~~b~Normal Player/Donator Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID));
            else if(medicteam[ID]==0 && copteam[ID]==0 && armyteam[ID]==0 && ciateam[ID]==0 && civilianteam[ID]==0)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~NONE ~n~~g~Team: ~w~NONE ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~0 MPH ~n~~n~~b~Normal Player/Donator Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID));
            GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~n~    ~w~Press ~r~~h~'LCTRL/LMB' ~w~For Hide The~n~~w~Player Info!",5000,3);
        else if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(ID) && SInfo[ID][pDonator] == 1 && SInfo[ID][pRegular] == 0)
            if(civilianteam[ID]==1 || ciateam[ID]==1)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Team: ~w~Civilian ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~%d MPH ~n~~n~~b~Normal Player/Donator Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID),VehicleNames[GetVehicleModel(carid)-400], GetPlayerSpeed(ID));
            else if(armyteam[ID]==1)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~w~%d ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Team: ~w~Army ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~%d MPH ~n~~n~~b~Normal Player/Donator Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID),VehicleNames[GetVehicleModel(carid)-400], GetPlayerSpeed(ID));
            else if(copteam[ID]==1)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Team: ~w~Cop ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~%d MPH ~n~~n~~b~Normal Player/Donator Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z),  GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID),VehicleNames[GetVehicleModel(carid)-400], GetPlayerSpeed(ID));
            else if(medicteam[ID]==1)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Team: ~w~Medic ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~%d MPH ~n~~n~~b~Normal Player/Donator Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID),VehicleNames[GetVehicleModel(carid)-400], GetPlayerSpeed(ID));
            else if(medicteam[ID]==0 && copteam[ID]==0 && armyteam[ID]==0 && ciateam[ID]==0 && civilianteam[ID]==0)
                format(string, 256, "~n~          ~b~~h~%s (%d)~n~~n~~g~Location: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Distance: ~w~%d Feet ~n~~g~Wanted Level: ~w~%d ~n~~g~Vehicle: ~w~%s ~n~~g~Team: ~w~NONE ~n~~g~Speed: ~w~%d MPH ~n~~n~~b~Normal Player/Donator Player", name, ID, zone, GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(ID, X, Y, Z), GetPlayerWantedLevel(ID),VehicleNames[GetVehicleModel(carid)-400], GetPlayerSpeed(ID));
            GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~n~    ~w~Press ~r~~h~LALT ~w~To Hide The~n~~w~Player Info!",5000,3);
    return 1;

command(i, playerid, params[])
    return InfoFunction(playerid, params);
heeelp pls

pawn Код:
if(sscanf(params, "u", ID)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, BLANCO, "USAGE: /info(/i) [ID]");
pawn Код:
i = integer
u = Player and NPC's name/ID
s = string
You're using only one parameter which is ID, so "u". The rest of what you did, they aren't used. You haven't got a string and in your case, I wouldn't recomment "i".

Originally Posted by Dwane
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pawn Код:
if(sscanf(params, "u", ID)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, BLANCO, "USAGE: /info(/i) [ID]");
pawn Код:
i = integer
u = Player and NPC's name/ID
s = string
You're using only one parameter which is ID, so "u". The rest of what you did, they aren't used. You haven't got a string and in your case, I wouldn't recomment "i".
ok i kept only "u"

problem 1 solved = no crash
now problem 2 no, it giving me unkown command but its working

Don't forgot return 1;

Originally Posted by MouseBreaker
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Don't forgot return 1;
there is return 1;

What do you use? ZCMD? If yes you should remove OnPlayerCommandText() in your script

there is no OnPlayerCommandText On My Commands

Only /i is telling unkown command and working because sscanf problem in "u" i must add something in it but i don't know wht

lol its stell crashing when i do /i sometimes -_-

Is InfoFunction a custum function you made?
Delete the "return 1;" from it and if it doesn't say that this function should return a value, try it.
It sometimes says "SERVER: Unknown command" because there is double return 'value'.

dwayne add me on skype and msn

skype: goldzoro

sorry for putting it here, because u dont accept pm's
pls add me dwayne

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