[FilterScript] J_Admin V0.1 ~*more* UserFriendly~*more* Commands[y_ini, zcmd][Many features]


Hello guys, This is my J_administration system update, kinda huge update, changed whole system to Y_INI again properly, last one had many bugs and now they are totally fixed and many useful commands are out!

  • Anti-Spam
  • Anti-HighPing
  • Config Saving
  • User Friendly
  • Over 50 commands
  • Y_INI saving system
  • Login and Register system {Awesome}
  • Nice Ban system.
  • Nice PM system with disable PM.
  • Easy to use and handle
  • Logs saving
Commands introduction:

Player Commands:

-/changepass - self explained.
-/report - self explained.
-/pm - sends message to other player
-/nopm - disables or enables PM. (you will not receive PM's when you are in NOPM mode)

Helper Status (admin level which is like a trial administrator)

-/jspec -> used to spectate player.
-/jspecoff -> spectating off.
-/warn -> warns the player.
-/kick -> kicks the player.
-/h -> helper chat.

Level 1 Administrator:

-Have access to helper commands
-/level1 -> to view admin level 1 commands
- use ' . ' (without ' ') to talk in admin chat.
-/adminduty -> gets on adminduty with skin id 217 and minigun
-/mute -> mutes the player
-/unmute -> un-mutes the player
-/acar -> spawns an admin car
-/jail -> jails a player
-/muted -> shows the muted player's list in server
-/jailed -> shows the jailed player's list in server
-/frozen -> shows the frozen player's list in server
-/freeze -> freezes the player
-/unfreeze -> unfreezes the player
-/goto -> teleport yourself to other's location
-/get -> teleport other player to your location

Level 2 commands:

-Access to level 1 and helper commands
-/level2 -> to view admin level 2 commands.
-/ban -> bans the player.
-/unban -> unban's the player's name.
-/spawn -> spawns the player
-/clearchat -> clears the 15 chat lines.
-/slap -> slaps the player
-/explode -> explodes the player
-/abike -> spawns admin bike (NRG-500).
-/force -> forces the player to Class selection.
-/akill -> kills the player

Level 3 commands:

-Access to level 1, level 2 and helper commads.
-/level3 -> to view admin level 3 commands.
-/armourall -> restore everyone's armour
-/healall -> restore everyone's health
-/giveweapon -> gives player a specified weapon.
-/sethealth -> set's player's health.
-/carhealth -> set player's vehicle health.
-/givecash -> give player's amount of cash.
-/givescore -> gives player a specified amount of score(s)
-/aheli -> spawns admin heli-copter.
-/getinfo -> get other player's information.
-/god -> enable god mode.

Level 4 commands:

-Access to level1, level2, level3 and helper commands.
-/level4 -> to view level 4 commands.
-/giveallweapon -> self explained.
-/giveallscore -> self explained.
-/giveallcash -> self explained.
-/setcash -> set's player's cash.
-/setscore -> sets player's score.
-/setkills -> sets player's kills.
-/setdeaths -> sets player's deaths.
-/freezeall -> freeze's everyone.
-/unfreezeall -> unfreeze's everyone

Level 5 commands.

-Access to every command!
-/level5 -> to view level 5 commands.
-/sethelper -> sets player's helper status.
-/unsethelper -> remove player's helper status.
-/disablechat -> disable/enables the chat.
-/disablespam -> disable/enables the anti-spam.
-/settempadmin -> set temporary admin. (admin level removed after logging out).
-/rban - range bans the player
-/setping -> set server's maximum ping allowed.
-/enableping -> enable/disable anti-highping.


-sscanf plugin and .inc file. (included in package).
-y_ini.inc file (included in package).
-Admin folder in scriptfiles (included in package).

Changing usage admin level of a command:

In any admin command find for the following line:

pawn Код:
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1) //This means the player's admin level must be = or > than level 1
Change it to, whatever level you want. like if you want it for level 3 change it to:

pawn Код:
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 3)
Easy no?

-Copy filterscript from package folder to your filterscript folder.
-Copy admin folder from j_admin/scriptfiles in package to your scriptfiles folder.
-Edit your server config and add jadmin in filterscript lines.
-If you didn't got sscanf or y_ini.inc copy it from j_admin/pawno/includes folder and put it in your server's /.../pawno/includes folder.
-If you didn't got sscanf plugin copy it from j_admin/plugins folder and paste it in yours.


****** - sscanf and y_ini
Jarnu - Scripting
Darcoblue - ubd_hash code.


V0.1: http://www.mediafire.com/?h5k0jmws23q1qlt and http://pastebin.com/Uvq6PGpE

if you find any bug post it here and if you got suggestion for future development please post here!

Good job! rep+

I will certainly try this Thanks!

Nice Work Jarnu

Nice Man

You can put in pastebin ?

oh sure.


Nice admin system gonna use it

very nice


Nice job man

wohaa... nice admin system man!

hi all
i want to compile it but this error confused me :
C:\Documents and Settings\Mehrangta\My Documents\Downloads\Compressed\j_admin\j_admin\paw no\pawno\include\sscanf2.inc(30) : fatal error 111: user error: sscanf (possibly the PAWN version) already defined.

Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error.


can anyone give me pawno/include folder like as .rar ?
if any one plz help me.

you must improve it.
Your topic only got 500 views..

i've got no time these days since i am busy with my server, i already planned to improve it alot.

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