IPv6 Ready?

Hi all,

I just turned the question: Is SAMP IPv6 Ready? The way I heard the input of the client IP is indeed limited by the maximum number of characters on her IPv4 + port, right?

Sincerely yours

SAMP is a girl?!

Yes, but the question is not unjustified.
IPv6 is coming, sooner or later

Originally Posted by COCK
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You're probably too dumb to use ipv6 anyway...
You are not less now.

The IPv6 protocol needs to be supported by ALL intermediary devices in the network (routers (no, not that toy you have at home)) for it to work. Even Cisco, the main supplier of network devices, acknowledges that IPv4 may never be phased out.

It'd be worth considering if at least 1 mainland ISP in US, UK & AUS actually supported it.

Originally Posted by Vince
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Even Cisco, the main supplier of network devices, acknowledges that IPv4 may never be phased out.
I imagine ipv4 and ipv6 will be used together, in the sense that some networks/websites will not have moved to ipv6, but home connections will have support for both. So it wouldn't be something to completely disregard IMO.

@Vince this is now clash of opinions, I really think that in maybe 5 or 10 years, default ip ver will be 6

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