help me!

Hey all, i create a new system and have problem.
new LOAN[ 1 ][ MAX_PLAYERS ];

	LOAN[ 0 ] have loan
	LOAN[ 1 ] pay loan


forward checkLOAN( playerid );
public checkLOAN( playerid )
	if( LOAN[ 0 ][ playerid ] < 0 )
	    new String[ 100 ];
	    format( String, 100, "* YOU HAVE LOAN: %d, and you have to pay he loan: %d", LOAN[ 0 ][ playerid ], LOAN[ 1 ] [ playerid ] + payyLOAN( playerid ) );
	    SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, String );
	return 1;

stock payyLOAN( playerid )
	if( LOAN[ 0 ][ playerid ] < 100 )
		LOAN[ 1 ][ playerid ] += 10;
	} else if( LOAN[ 0 ][ playerid ] < 1000 )
	    LOAN[ 1 ][ playerid ] += 100;
And have error's
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Desktop\oADMIN.pwn(27) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "LOAN")
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Desktop\LOAN.pwn(37) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "LOAN")
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Desktop\LOAN.pwn(40) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "LOAN")
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Desktop\LOAN.pwn(42) : warning 209: function "payyLOAN" should return a value
Thanks : ))

Change new LOAN[1][MAX_PLAYERS];

And before the last } at stock payloan put return 1;

Or if you are lazy here's the fixed code
pawn Код:

    LOAN[ 0 ] have loan
    LOAN[ 1 ] pay loan


forward checkLOAN( playerid );
public checkLOAN( playerid )
    if( LOAN[ 0 ][ playerid ] < 0 )
        new String[ 100 ];
        format( String, 100, "* YOU HAVE LOAN: %d, and you have to pay he loan: %d", LOAN[ 0 ][ playerid ], LOAN[ 1 ] [ playerid ] + payyLOAN( playerid ) );
        SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, String );
    return 1;

stock payyLOAN( playerid )
    if( LOAN[ 0 ][ playerid ] < 100 )
        LOAN[ 1 ][ playerid ] += 10;
    } else if( LOAN[ 0 ][ playerid ] < 1000 )
        LOAN[ 1 ][ playerid ] += 100;
    return 1;

very thanks : ))

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