02.11.2012, 13:13
Hello,i have made a filterscript for player for example the player can write /red and he's name will be red!The commands are: {PCMDS HELP}The commands for the time are :/morning,/noon,/midnight");
{PCMDS HELP}The commands for the weapons are :/ak-47,/m4,/sniper,/baseball,/knife,/poolcue");
{PCMDS HELP}The commands for the weapons are :/9mm,/desert,/shotgun,/combat,/uzi,/mp5");
{PCMDS HELP}The commands for the weathers are :/bluesky,/stormy,/foggy,/sandstrom,/hot");
{PCMDS HELP}The commands for the health/armour are :/heal/kill/armour/halfarmour");
{PCMDS HELP}The commands for your colour name are :/red/black,/lightblue,/purple,/yellow");
{PCMDS HELP}The commands for skin are :/janitor/airportman,/beachman/bmxer,/warker,/mechanic,/biker 1/2,/pilot");
To open the list of commands you just type /pcmds
1.download the pcmds.pwn and pcmds.amx
2.Put pcmds.pwn and pcmds.amx at your filtherscript folder
3.add pcmds at your filterscripte line at server.cfg and enjoy

downloadl links
http://www.mediafire.com/?cndw5336r5adl1f (for .pwn)
http://www.mediafire.com/?9pxwkthi9v11iy4 (for .amx)
http://pastebin.com/p5CXYnU2 (pastebin for the FS)
{PCMDS HELP}The commands for the weapons are :/ak-47,/m4,/sniper,/baseball,/knife,/poolcue");
{PCMDS HELP}The commands for the weapons are :/9mm,/desert,/shotgun,/combat,/uzi,/mp5");
{PCMDS HELP}The commands for the weathers are :/bluesky,/stormy,/foggy,/sandstrom,/hot");
{PCMDS HELP}The commands for the health/armour are :/heal/kill/armour/halfarmour");
{PCMDS HELP}The commands for your colour name are :/red/black,/lightblue,/purple,/yellow");
{PCMDS HELP}The commands for skin are :/janitor/airportman,/beachman/bmxer,/warker,/mechanic,/biker 1/2,/pilot");
To open the list of commands you just type /pcmds
1.download the pcmds.pwn and pcmds.amx
2.Put pcmds.pwn and pcmds.amx at your filtherscript folder
3.add pcmds at your filterscripte line at server.cfg and enjoy

downloadl links
http://www.mediafire.com/?cndw5336r5adl1f (for .pwn)
http://www.mediafire.com/?9pxwkthi9v11iy4 (for .amx)
http://pastebin.com/p5CXYnU2 (pastebin for the FS)