
Hi.I use Sandra Property System.And now.That script when go to pickup show you GameTextForPlayer.I want to create this from GameTextForPlayer to Create3DTextLabel how to create that ? Please help me ! I want to my property show like this .. http://i.imgur.com/JPZDs.jpg Help ! Pickups is this

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
    new propid = -1;
    for(new id; id<MAX_PROPERTIES; id++)
        if(PropInfo[id][PickupNr] == pickupid)
            propid = id;
    if(propid != -1)
        new str[128];
        format(str, 128, "~y~\"%s\"~n~~r~Cena: ~y~$%d~n~~r~Zarabotka: ~y~$%d~n~~r~Gazda: ~y~%s", PropInfo[propid][PropName], PropInfo[propid][PropValue], PropInfo[propid][PropEarning], PropInfo[propid][PropOwner]);
        Create3DTextLabel(playerid, str, 2000, 3);
    return 1;

Bump Please Give you Rep ++

Like this ?

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
    new propid = -1;
    for(new id; id<MAX_PROPERTIES; id++)
        if(PropInfo[id][PickupNr] == pickupid)
            propid = id;
    if(propid != -1)
        new str[128];
        format(str, 128, "~y~\"%s\"~n~~r~Cena: ~y~$%d~n~~r~Zarabotka: ~y~$%d~n~~r~Gazda: ~y~%s", PropInfo[propid][PropName], PropInfo[propid][PropValue], PropInfo[propid][PropEarning], PropInfo[propid][PropOwner]);
        Create3DTextLabel(playerid, str, 2000, 3);
        GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "your text", 3000, 3); // This is new
    return 1;

Thanks for this.But i need a when connect player to show 3Dtext dont in Pickup !

Can you show me your CreatePickup() functions under OnGameModeInit.
It's enough, when you post 10 pickups.

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