31.10.2012, 00:09

Hello there, Admin Mulisha Roleplay is seeking for mature players/admins.
We are looking for admins that over the age 17+, and trustworthy.
The applications for in-game administator will only be handled on our official forums.
Please take notice, if you turn out to get in-game and ask for it, you will be permenently denied.
We post this here hoping to get some admins that arent corrupted.
Thanks for reading this and please visit our forum and make an application today.
Website at the bottom of the post.
The admin applicants should:
• Have a level of Maturety
• Age 17-18+
• Teamspeak + Working Microphone
• Certain skills within administrator requests
• Knowledge about roleplay
• Knowledge about server requests
Players should:
• Use commen sense
• Maturety within real life
• Roleplay skills (Low/Medium) if your new it's ok