*** I can't name topics well!

I have problem with my gamemode, after i did update i restarted my server and if i did /banktele, then i just fell and i couldn't enter any houses or businesses.
So i did restart and after that cars dissapeard, i tried evrything STOP and START server, REFRESH, reuploaded plugins, still nothing.
So i downgraded my gamemode back to the last one, but it still didn't load.
I don't know why, but gamemode just wont load these things.
But GM works perfectly in LAN server.
Maybe someone could help me?
Also giving +REP to helper.


SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3e, ©2005-2012 SA-MP Team

[17:22:55] Server Plugins
[17:22:55] --------------
[17:22:55]  Loading plugin: whirlpool.so
[17:22:55]  ==================
[17:22:55]   Whirlpool loaded
[17:22:55]  ==================
[17:22:55]   Loaded.
[17:22:55]  Loading plugin: sscanf.so

[17:22:55]  ===============================

[17:22:55]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[17:22:55]    © 2009 Alex "******" Cole

[17:22:55]    0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"

[17:22:55]  ===============================

[17:22:55]   Loaded.
[17:22:55]  Loaded 2 plugins.

[17:22:55] Ban list
[17:22:55] --------
[17:22:55]  Loaded: samp.ban
[17:22:55] Filterscripts
[17:22:55] ---------------
[17:22:55]   Loading filterscript 'LuxAdmin.amx'...
[17:22:55]                    L.A.S v1.6 Beta                         
[17:22:55]                  ---------------
[17:22:55]              LuX Administration System               
[17:22:55]  ___________________________________________________

[17:22:55]  -> Loading...
 -Current Configurations Successfully Loaded!

[17:22:55]  -> L.A.S Basic Loaded Configurations:

[17:22:55]  AutoLogin:    [Enabled!]  ReadCmds:  [Enabled!]
[17:22:55]  AntiSwear:    [Disabled]  AntiSpam:  [Enabled!]
[17:22:55]  NameKick:     [Enabled!]  AntiBot:   [Enabled!]
[17:22:55]  ConnectMsgs:  [Enabled!]  NoCaps:    [Disabled]
[17:22:55]  AdminCmdMsgs: [Enabled!]  Anti Ads:  [Enabled!]
[17:22:55]  SaveMoney:    [Enabled!]  MustLogin  [Enabled!]
[17:22:55]  Forbid Weaps: [Disabled]  AdmSkins:  [Disabled]
[17:22:55]  ReadPms:      [Enabled!]  MaxLevel:  [10]
[17:22:55]  SaveWeaps     [Enabled!]  Max Ping:  [0ms]
[17:22:55]  ChatDisabled: [Disabled]  MuteWarns: [4]
[17:22:55]  MustRegister: [Enabled!]  AdmSkins   [217, 214]

[17:22:55]  -> Loaded Successfully!

[17:22:55]  Date: 29/10/2012 - Time: 17:22:55
[17:22:55]  ___________________________________________________

[17:22:55]   Loaded 1 filterscripts.

[17:22:55] OnGameo

[17:22:55] Model:		0
[17:22:55] Color 1:	0
[17:22:55] Color 2:	0
[17:22:55] Price:		$0
[17:22:55] Owner:		
[17:22:55] Spawn X:	0.000000
[17:22:55] Spawn Y:	0.000000
[17:22:55] Spawn Z:	0.000000
[17:22:55] Spawn A:	0.000000
[17:22:55] Plate:		
[17:22:55] PaintJ:		0
[17:22:55] Locked:		0
[17:22:55] Mod 1:		1010
[17:22:55] Mod 2:		1098
[17:22:55] Mod 3:		1087
[17:22:55] Mod 4:		0
[17:22:55] Mod 5:		0
[17:22:55] Mod 6:		0
[17:22:55] Mod 7:		0
[17:22:55] Mod 8:		0
[17:22:55] Mod 9:		0
[17:22:55] Mod 10:		0
[17:22:55] Mod 11:		0
[17:22:55] Mod 12:		0

[17:22:55]          Gamemode loaded
[17:22:55] ----------------------------------

Please help!

Problem with Gamemode script ?
can you show me its script ?

Originally Posted by verlaj
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Problem with Gamemode script ?
can you show me its script ?
Yes, it's with the gamemode script.
But no, i don't wanna show my script.

Originally Posted by Banaaniaju
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Yes, it's with the gamemode script.
But no, i don't wanna show my script.
then we cant help.

No Code, No Help
This could be happening becuz of missing plugin. Can you show your script's top part where it says #include <a_samp> and stuff

Did you mean this?:

#include <a_samp>
#include <sscanf2>
#include <dini>
#include <SII>
#include <dutils>
#define dcmd(%1,%2,%3) if ((strcmp((%3)[1], #%1, true, (%2)) == 0) && ((((%3)[(%2) + 1] == 0) && (dcmd_%1(playerid, "")))||(((%3)[(%2) + 1] == 32) && (dcmd_%1(playerid, (%3)[(%2) + 2]))))) return 1

#if !defined isnull
    #define isnull(%1) \
                ((!(%1[0])) || (((%1[0]) == '\1') && (!(%1[1]))))

#define MAX_PLAYERS (50)
#pragma tabsize 4
#pragma unused ret_memcpy

#define ModeName "Supra Deathmatch"

Originally Posted by [HK]Ryder[AN]
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No Code, No Help
This could be happening becuz of missing plugin. Can you show your script's top part where it says #include <a_samp> and stuff
Well it can't be missing plugin, i have only 2 plugins on my GM.
One is sscanf.so (for GM) and other one is whirlpool.so (for LuxAdmin)

Still need help..

Why my title wont change?

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