Anti Fake Kill - Please Help Me!


Would somebody be able to help to stop the fake kill?

Sorry my bad English


GetPlayerHealth of playerid OnPlayerDeath? If its more than 0, ban?

Not work ... I use /kill and I have ban:/

/Kill will kill the player though..

He can sniper from miles away.

What happens is, player stays alive, pretends someone kills him, but he doesnt die, so if this is the case, ban.

Thank you for everyone Now it's works!

You could always check if the "killer" is actually carrying the weapon they supposedly killed with.

pawn Code:
if(GetPlayerWeapon(killerid) != reason) //if the weapon "killerid" has is not the weapon used to kill "playerid"
    //"playerid" used a fake kill

Well distance wouldn't be good if the cheater got close, but it would be good for when they're not, there is a max distance the sniper rifle can do damage. just experiement with the distance using pointtopoint(x,y,x2,y2); to get the exact measurement. Checking if the killer actually owns the weapon is a good way, but also make sure to check if the player has ammo for it (weapon hangs around even if player has 0 ammo). Also make sure to excuse the killer if the player uses /kill /suicide. Also make sure when doing weapon check to clear collision as a weapon (case player jumps off a building)

Or do what I said.

Lazarus thank you!
It's works perfect!

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