Colors and SetObjectMaterial


So I have always been confused how to create certain colors in samp.
I do have a list with colors that can be used for client messages, what is the format of those colors? RGB? ARGB? RGBA?

Also, I have an object material that I want to use and make it a little bit blueish. How can I accomplish this? The format of that color is ARGB, so I guess I will have to change the transparancy a bit, but I don't know how.
Hopefully you can help me, thanks.

I sort of understand that, but once I set the color of a material like this:

SetDynamicObjectMaterial(objectid, 8, 964, "cj_crate_will", "CJ_FLIGHT_CASE", 0xFF3b8a7e);

The metal look totally becomes greenish, you don't see the texture anymore.. So I guess I have to do something with the transparancy, but how? :S

Yes, I made it a bit greenish. But well, I want to see the texture, but give it a little color overlay. And that color overlay should be green.

Yup I did, I checked, but once I did this: 0x44RRGGBB it sort of disappeared, the index part became invisible :O. Only worked with 0xFF though

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