
I need to make temp vip i have my own vip system but not temporarily vip are 3 types and the 3 types when i give it to any player the player receives a permanent vip but i want to make one ? what should i create ? variables ? stocks ? or what
and thanks

I did in my old GM

'new TempVIP[playerid];

then making them a tempVIP

pawn Код:
CMD:maketemp(playerid, params[])
      if(sscanf(params, "u", giveplayerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "usage: /maketemp [playerid]");
             TempVIP[giveplayerid] = 1;
return 1;
Made it really quick, but you should get how it works

Try doing this.

On top of your script.

new tempvip1[MAX_PLAYERS]; // for type 1
new tempvip2[MAX_PLAYERS]; // for type 2
new tempvip3[MAX_PLAYERS]; // for type 3
Then copy your old vip commands and change their names to w/e you want to (/settempvip [playerid] [type]) and put this inside.

if(tempvip1[playerid] != 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "This player is already vip type one");
(tempvip1[playerid] = 1); // setting the player temporarily vip status 1
and on

OnPlayerConnect - add this

(tempvip1[playerid] = 0);
(tempvip2[playerid] = 0);
(tempvip3[playerid] = 0); // reseting the player's vip level if he disconnect/connect again
Hope I helped you.

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