Server Crash on login

Everytime i start the game and join up on the server the server crashes, This is from the crash log

[21:02:32] Incomming connection:
[21:02:32] [join] Jason_Liam has joined the server (0:
[21:02:32] Connecting Player 0...
[21:02:32] validated name: Jason_Liam.
[21:02:32] [nick] Jason_Liam nick changed to New_Name
[21:02:32] [nick] New_Name nick changed to Jason_Liam
[21:02:32] Loading Player (0)....
[21:02:32] Using existing connection!
[21:02:32] Loading Player (Jason_Liam)....
[21:02:32] SQL: SELECT playerid, adminlevel, playername, password, x, y, z, o, interior, model, money, health, armor, factionid, factionrank, jobid, paycheck, premium, beenpaid, houseid, bomb, wtchannel, paydaytime, jobrank, worldid FROM players WHERE playername='Jason_Liam'
[21:02:32] 4747|1|Jason_Liam|7DEAB21D4041338EC8C400E88E283B99 |-1737.05|839.194|24.7409|169.01|0|0|20000|80|0|13|1 0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0
[21:02:32] Player Jason_Liam (0) Loaded....
[21:02:32] Loading Player 0 Extras....
[21:02:32] Using existing connection!
[21:02:32] SQL: SELECT playerid, permissions, connectedtime, sex, age, origin, muted, inbusiness, inhouse, bank, char1, char2, char3, warns, score, wtname, ban FROM players_extras WHERE playerid='4747'
[21:02:32] 4747|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|-|-|-|0|0|walkietalkie|
[21:02:32] Player 0 Extras Loaded....
[21:02:32] Using existing connection!
[21:02:32] Loading Player Vehicles....
[21:02:32] SQL: SELECT vehid,modelid,x,y,z,o,color1,color2,ownerid,fuelle ft,flags,flagcost,health,weaponid1,ammo1,weaponid2 ,ammo2,weaponid3,ammo3,weaponid4,ammo4,weaponid5,a mmo5 FROM players_vehicles WHERE ownerid=4747
[21:02:32] Using existing connection!
[21:02:32] SQL: SELECT mod1,mod2,mod3,mod4,mod5,mod6,mod7,mod8,mod9,mod10 ,mod11,mod12,paint FROM players_vehicles WHERE ownerid=4747
[21:02:32] Using existing connection!
[21:02:32] Loading Player 0's Items....
[21:02:32] SQL: SELECT id, ownerid, baseproductid, value FROM players_items WHERE ownerid=4747
[21:02:32] Loading Player 0 Weapons....
[21:02:32] Using existing connection!
[21:02:32] SQL: SELECT playerid, slot, weaponid, ammo FROM players_weapons WHERE playerid='4747' AND ammo >'0'
[21:02:32] Player 0 Weapons Loaded using the fix....
[21:02:32] Using existing connection!
[21:02:32] Loading Player 0's Wallet....
[21:02:32] SQL: SELECT id, ownerid, baseproductid, value FROM players_items WHERE ownerid=4747
[21:02:32] Using existing connection!
[21:02:32] Loading Player Groups...
[21:02:32] SQL: SELECT id,groupid FROM players_groups WHERE playerid = 4747

After that it crashes, Ive tried a shitload of diffrent stuff but still cant get past that, Is there a problem with the Player Groups?, I can join the server perfectly and run around and play on it, if i remove the Player Groups and Player Permission list from loading. Please help.

Originally Posted by wiZaK
Is there a problem with the Player Groups?,

I can join the server perfectly and run around and play on it, if i remove the Player Groups and Player Permission list from loading.

You answered your own question on the same line..

But i cant find the problem with the groups and i want them to work, I cant even have admin rights on the server cause it needs to be given by the groups and permissions :/

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