Server mode changes


Well I have my MYSQL server set up but the there is something really weird going on
Some times if you play the server mode changes to DM you cannot type any command any more
So some one got an ide?

Greats McFellow

Have you just set one game mode to server.cfg file, or have you included more to it? Does any /rcon commands work in your server, when this happens?

Yes /rcon commands work when this happends it's an really strange bug because you are playing the the game mode just is switching to an DM game mode

Can you please post your server server.cfg here? Also does your game folder include any DM scripts, that may do this for you?

Well I don't have any other game modes in the folder only the one that I'm using I will upload the server.cfg in a couple of minutes

Are you hosting in company, or in home? I'm just wondering your words "upload."

McFellow, You have to delete all the server file and copy it from the game mod .zip/.exe etc....

and it will work

Any other idea's?

And here is my server.cfg
echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
maxplayers 500
port 7777
hostname Hawkin's Roleplay Gaming
gamemode0 HawkinsRP_Update
filterscripts yom_buttons vactions gcustom
announce 1
query 1
plugins sscanf streamer Whirlpool mysql nativechecker
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000
maxnpc 10
logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S]

In this case I Recommend you to download "native server checker" and and look, what's actually happening, when your game mode is changing. When you have done your check, please post here your "server_log.txt" file copy.

And can you please tell me, are you hosting in home, or company? I'm just thinking, if your server got overloaded.

Have you tried to restart your game mode with RCON GMX command?

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