07.10.2012, 01:54
The Crash 'n Burn server since 2007 - website www.cnbderby.net - is the server gone from sa-mp forever?
Well the decision has been made. CnB has been closed down for now. This includes the server and this website. As much as we would like to continue to operate, we are out of development resources and the current set-up of the community, what happens on a day-to-day basis in-game and on this website, has become unacceptable and not worth managing. In other words, nobody is interested enough to keep it going. A massive, humongous thanks to John for his insane dedication and the amount of time he put into management. But, it's time for the one-man show to end. Right now, we feel it's genuinely in the best interest of the players and staff to make it all go away for awhile. I can't tell you if CnB will come back or not. It all depends on what happens in the future. Originally we'd said the website would remain up, but actually it won't for the same reason as the gamemode's closure. IRC will remain, as it's easy to keep around -- #cnb on irc.tl. |
And the current set-up of the community, what happens on a day-to-day basis in-game and on this website, has become unacceptable and not worth managing. |
As one of the servers admins I feel I need to apologize to those that enjoyed the server. However unfortunately due to the ones who develop the game mode having real life commitments that take higher priority there just isnt time to fix the issues with the anticheat and such. For the time being, til those that develop it have more time to work on things the game server and website will be down.
If you go to the website now you will see this: |
Wasn't that guy arrested for hacking? And there are only two derby servers still around that i know of, if you want the ip's pm me.