MusicStreamer (without lag while playing)

Hello everyone.
I was restless and came up with an idea to create a program with a wide range of music.
What I have tried to do is to develop a program that streams music without the lag in the game.
A program that has a wide range of musical genres.
And easier to find something you like without searching. Or to quickly switch from one genre to the other!

And i would like to point out that this is the first version 0.1.
I will continue to develop the program so that it gets better and better with time.

Some screenshots

Q. How do you lag from steaming music ING?
A. Well i had it before, and i know that some people do, who has a crappy computer (i dont have one lol).
Q. Why would this be useful?
A. An easier way to find something you like without searching. Or to quickly switch from one genre to the other! And the answer above.


How do you lag from steaming music ING?

Not sure how this helps :/

Nice job anyway, you must include the source also.

Originally Posted by EliteDrive
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How do you lag from steaming music ING?

Not sure how this helps :/

Nice job anyway, you must include the source also.
Forgot to add:
And easier to find something you like without searching. Or to quickly switch from one genre to the other!

__________________________________________________ _____________

Well i had it before, and i know that some people do, who has a crappy computer (i dont have one lol).

About the source
§. Will add it. Thanks for pointing that out.

Lagging while streaming music has 0.01% to do with having a shit computer. Get your facts straight.

It has to do with the host. I can confirm this, I live in the NL, I tried a USA host and it lagged, played for ~5s and it stopped. Used an EU host, played for the full ~4 minutes, no lag, no shit.

Nice program, nonetheless.


Lagging while streaming music has 0.01% to do with having a shit computer. Get your facts straight.

Thats where you are wrong. You should get your facts straight.

Thanks a lot.

Nice,suggestion : add a list of musics available to hear.

I just use spotify
I don't see why you'd lag from it, if its not your pc or connection.
The hoster might play a role to but with such a big service provider as Spotify you won't have to worry about that.

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