What has happened?

Hello there.. Well I am now, after 1 year of break from SAMP, back and I am trying to play some roleplay. And to be honest, I am really, really disappointed. (And I know my account was created 2 years ago, but thats not when I started playing SAMP. I started playing SAMP a long time before I registered here)

So, long story short, back in my day (many old players can relate) servers were different. We had different gamemodes, but copies showed up, which was normal, and everybody actually could play some roleplay. We had no refunds, no insta-VIP, and not as many players with no knowledge at all about scripting.

What do we have now?

- Insta-VIP
- Refunds

Now these two bother me the most, every time I go to "server advertisements" there are jerks trying to refund and INSTA-VIP people so people would join. AND THEY DO?!

More that has happened:

- Having many lines in your script is now cool and "thing to be advertised about"
- Players just dont give a crap

Seriously, "WE HAVE 90,000 LINES, JOIN US!" <-- Yes, someone actually did this in Server Advertisements. The hell?! Also, after joining a ton of servers, players dont pay attention to detail. For example - in the good ol' days (I feel really old by saying this) people roleplayed out car crashes. Now? "OMG, YOU ARE SUCH A RETARD, DONT DRIVE LIKE THAT, ITS nRP!" IN IN CHARACTER CHAT!!! *facepalm* *facepalm* *facepalm*

- New useless roleplay terms noone knows about

Okay, at this point, I dont really know many, but I sure have heard many which I never payed attention to. I will just list these terms here:

- Metagaming
- Powergaming
- Carpark
- Helikill
- Ninjajack (that came later, but I still consider it useful and worth mentioning)

These are the main rules, which everyone knew about and everyone used. You all know them, right? Well, most players add 100 to them to make roleplay even harder..

What are servers like today?

- Owner joins as Knight_Rider saying its a roleplay name and he can because he is the owner <-- ACTUALLY HAPPENED
- People dont roleplay out the details and mentioned before
- Most of them are with UCPs which is a new thing, and imo it shouldnt be forced, because I dont really like it, but its a point mentioning it nonetheless.

I cannot say this enough, if I insulted a server now I would insult the entire server community. *****y ****s. Every server is the same - its LARP, GF, NGRP or something even worse. EVERY. SERVER. If I come up with something new and show it to some current players: "Huh dude, its nothing like anything else, nobody would like that, totally boring".

Stunt servers? N/A. I tried to find a good oldschool server like AS was. With the max speedboost allowed anytime anywhere in a really awesome map. Now, when I looked at the second most popular stunt server - GamerX - Its alright on the stunt side, but its the worst on the speedboost side. Its not cool dudes, not cool.

TLR? Sucks to be you.

Is there a server around the community only with the oldschool terms, oldschool things and normal people actually roleplaying without refunding, without UCP forcing, and with people playing it IN ENGLISH?

I am working on a good roleplay server with all your needs like no refunds and no insta-vip etc..

Live with it, times have changed and people don't enjoy playing SA-MP like they used to. I can only recommend Hostile Core, it was the only "proper" RP server although it's closed afaik. As for new gaming terms, i think it's a good idea people are trying to introduce new stuff.

BTW, there is normally one of these topics every month...

Originally Posted by linuxthefish
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Live with it, times have changed and people don't enjoy playing SA-MP like they used to. I can only recommend Hostile Core, it was the only "proper" RP server although it's closed afaik. As for new gaming terms, i think it's a good idea people are trying to introduce new stuff.

BTW, there is normally one of these topics every month...
Daily, you mean.

Roleplay on SA:MP nowadays is all about putting cash in your wallet.

Nobody gives a shit about the actual server itself or the script, especially the players.

I for one feel bad about this. SA-MP is slowly fading away from its golden days.

Originally Posted by Deathh
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Daily, you mean.

Roleplay on SA:MP nowadays is all about putting cash in your wallet.

Nobody gives a shit about the actual server itself or the script, especially the players.

I for one feel bad about this. SA-MP is slowly fading away from its golden days.
I know right.. Thats why I asked for a server with the owners and people actually caring about the SERVER and the SCRIPT.. SAMP is slowly going down, but what about MTA?

Originally Posted by linuxthefish
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Live with it, times have changed and people don't enjoy playing SA-MP like they used to. I can only recommend Hostile Core, it was the only "proper" RP server although it's closed afaik. As for new gaming terms, i think it's a good idea people are trying to introduce new stuff.

BTW, there is normally one of these topics every month...
Times have changed, but not all for bad. Yes, there a rediculous amount of RP servers, but half of them will go up for a month and then shut down due to funds or no players. Yes, i agree with your recommendation. I used to play west side, but they did a stupid update, so i quit that and eventually said the hell with RP servers. However, themed RP servers are always good, such as Cops and Robbers, sims, farm, whatever. (If someone actually see's this and makes a sims server - cookies to you.) I Will also continue to miss the Official Tab. The hosted tab is a nice idea, but it is overloaded with servers that have 0 players online most of the time. (Hosted Tab Requirements plz)

And new stuff is always good.

Its Typical these days. Sadly there is nothing to really do about it.

Originally Posted by ColorHost-Kevin
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Its Typical these days. Sadly there is nothing to really do about it.
You can do something about it, look at your host.

Originally Posted by linuxthefish
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You can do something about it, look at your host.


Miss the old days. Use to be 10x better.

Originally Posted by Riddy
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Miss the old days. Use to be 10x better.
The funny thing is, we actually used to talk together (not much though) and I still remember you when you were a small cluck on these forums, with almost no posts Lucy_Arrow maybe?

// I came back for scripting. I might be starting a log and start developing a small roleplay server from a base script (because I fucking suck at user account systems and starting off) (I am using iNorton's base script with Y_INI and nothing much in it) If you are intrested in betatesting or supporting me, skype is: cokeneverfails

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