Can anybody help?

Can anyone add a timer to this command because i am new at scripting and dont how to do it

explain what are you looking for by the script and what are u expecting from us to do , cause adding a timer is simple and it takes less than 20 seconds ... give more infos

ok sry for bad english and bad explanation
If you could add a timer to the script so that when you press /sniper you have to wait 1 minute to type it again.
Or if you could when a player connect he can use the command and then he cant use it again until he dies so after his death he can type the command again.

that's easy , i must go out right now but when i comeback i'll help u .

ok thank you

Ok so i'm gonna try to Explain the script
(i'm not apro scripter but this should work)
First let put this in the top of the FS / GM
forward inf2(playerid);//this will be the timer (public)
new inf[MAX_PLAYERS];//this is related to the timer for the player
new blabla[ MAX_PLAYERS ];//and this will be usefull to defind when a player can use the CMD again
ok now let's take a look to the timer
at OnPlayerSpawn you gonna set your a counter for the player to make him use the /sniper CMD
    blabla[ playerid ] = 0;// 0 is when the player can use the CMD, 1 is when he can't
Now Let's go to the CMD that u called /sniper
so when the player use /sniper the script will check if he have acces to it or not
we said befor that 1 is when he can't and 0 is when he can
if(!strcmp(cmdtext,"/sniper",true, 6))
    if( blabla[ playerid ] == 1)return GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~w~You can't use this Command for now", 3000, 4);
    inf[playerid] = SetTimerEx("inf2", 60000, false, "i", playerid);// start the timer for the player !
    blabla[ playerid ] = 1;//The player is using /sniper cmd, so he can't use it again for 1min
    //add what u want like resetplayerweaons, giveplayerweapon ects ...
Right, now let's see what we gonna put in when the timer is over
remeber that the timer name is inf2
public inf2(playerid)
	if( blabla[ playerid ] == 1)
	    blabla[ playerid ] = 0;// 1min is passed so now he can use /sniper again
	    GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~w~You can use /sniper again", 3000, 4);
	    KillTimer(inf[playerid]);//kill the timer for the player 
	return 1;
hope it works

works fine thank you.

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