NY Plane Crash


How lucky was that... landing in water...

Yea, I have read it on ****** news. Good piloting

Originally Posted by [NT
SpeedDevil ]
Yea, I have read it on ****** news. Good piloting
How did they went in water then ?

i read it in the newspaper.
they crashed somehow in some birds

Originally Posted by ѓąеỶ
Originally Posted by [NT
SpeedDevil ]
Yea, I have read it on ****** news. Good piloting
How did they went in water then ?
Both engines were disabled by flocks of birds, so it was either skillfully land in the water with relatively little damage to the plane and no casualties, or smash into the water or the city, killing everyone on board.

And what the hell is up with the stupid characters in your name?

Originally Posted by f3llah1n
Originally Posted by ѓąеỶ
Originally Posted by [NT
SpeedDevil ]
Yea, I have read it on ****** news. Good piloting
How did they went in water then ?
Both engines were disabled by flocks of birds, so it was either skillfully land in the water with relatively little damage to the plane and no casualties, or smash into the water or the city, killing everyone on board.

And what the hell is up with the stupid characters in your name?
they suck right ? i thought..

Wow, impressive. Good no one died.

Holy crap, that was close.

I watched it for a long time on CNN

I bet those in NYC around for the 9/11 attacks got a bit freaked-out at the sight of a plane flying down the river 100' off the ground

I watched it on the news. Uber pilot flier there

Originally Posted by Namtih
Wow, impressive. Good no one died.
Good no one got injured too.

Originally Posted by [XG
Tez ]
Originally Posted by Namtih
Wow, impressive. Good no one died.
Good no one got injured too.
Lots of people got injured.

Originally Posted by f3llah1n
Originally Posted by [XG
Tez ]
Originally Posted by Namtih
Wow, impressive. Good no one died.
Good no one got injured too.
Lots of people got injured.
About 15 people were treated at area hospitals, but none of the injuries appeared serious, Mayor Michael Bloomberg told reporters.

Not really a lot when you think about the fact it was ~150 in a jetliner plunging into the Hudson river.

Unless of course you consider people injured when that stank nasty water touched them then yeah...almost everyone was injured hahaha

Originally Posted by kaisersouse
Originally Posted by f3llah1n
Originally Posted by [XG
Tez ]
Originally Posted by Namtih
Wow, impressive. Good no one died.
Good no one got injured too.
Lots of people got injured.
About 15 people were treated at area hospitals, but none of the injuries appeared serious, Mayor Michael Bloomberg told reporters.

Not really a lot when you think about the fact it was ~150 in a jetliner plunging into the Hudson river.

Unless of course you consider people injured when that stank nasty water touched them then yeah...almost everyone was injured hahaha

One person suffered two broken legs and paramedics treated 78 patients


I saw this on the news, very lucky.

The 78 patients were likely evaluated for hypothermia given the temp outside yesterday.

2 broken legs aint shit in the grand scheme of things. I'm sure out of all the plane crashes in the last 20 years alone, a lot of victims families wished their loved ones got out with two broken legs :P

Being someone who used to fly a lot, there are retards that take their seatbelt off the instant the flight attendant walks by during initial taxi. I'd bet real money that the person with two broken legs wasn't wearing their belt at the time of impact

Hats off to the pilot, to be able to navigate an Airbus over Queens and over Manhattan (bear in mind he didn't have the proper altitude and could have easily hit a building), miss the bridges to New Jersey and still land the plane in some sort of 'safe' condition without killing anyone (recap ftw). Give him a peanut.

Originally Posted by Dukes
Hats off to the pilot, to be able to navigate an Airbus over Queens and over Manhattan (bear in mind he didn't have the proper altitude and could have easily hit a building), miss the bridges to New Jersey and still land the plane in some sort of 'safe' condition without killing anyone (recap ftw). Give him a peanut.
Don't know about you but dodging buildings and small bridges aint that hard. All credit to the landing though.

Originally Posted by [XG
Tez ]
Originally Posted by Dukes
Hats off to the pilot, to be able to navigate an Airbus over Queens and over Manhattan (bear in mind he didn't have the proper altitude and could have easily hit a building), miss the bridges to New Jersey and still land the plane in some sort of 'safe' condition without killing anyone (recap ftw). Give him a peanut.
Don't know about you but dodging buildings and small bridges aint that hard. All credit to the landing though.
Try flying an AT-400 through los santos at low altitude.

Then imagine that 10x harder.

Especially considering in the event of dual engine loss, the airbus changed to direct flight input mode - every input the pilot made gets sent straight to the control surfaces without any computer correction to account for wind, altitude etc

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