20.09.2012, 07:41
Последний раз редактировалось XtremeR; 13.09.2013 в 08:43.

Respawns when u spawn a new one!
Best For Events / Parties
People Can Hop On it Also!
Movements On Water Just like an Original Ship!
TextDraw with a Box to make The Stuff Easier for You
Unique one!
Small FS no Bugs at all!
Players can easily Roam On It, Dance On it..
It Will Cause no Lag, Tested Over and Over Again!
Commands Made With ZCMD, So it is also Fast!
Can be Used as an Event FS or can be included in ur Admin System / GM.



/Pirate - To spawn the ship.
/Yes - To choose that yes i want the Ship, it will not work if the Textdraw aint there
/No - To choose that no i dont want the Ship, it will not work if the Textdraw aint there
/Hidebox - To Simply Hide The TextDraw Box!
/Credits - Simple Credits CMD
/UnShip - To Remove The Ship!
Simple one more Comming soon! Hope u like it..
XtremeR(me) for everything
Zeex For ZCMD
SAMP Team for a_samp include
Solid Files
Paste Bin