Whirlpool wont load?

hey guys... i've got a problem with whirlpool plugin.
i host my server on windows vps. it doesn't load whirlpool plugin i don't know why
i used the whirlpool.dll and i added the file name to plugins line too but it says Whirlpool load failed.
it works perfect on my own computer but it doesn't work on my VPS
i have .net framework 4 and visual c++ 2010 installed on my VPS . could somebody tell me how to solve this problem?

Post your server_log.

[06:15:46] Server Plugins
[06:15:46] --------------
[06:15:46] Loading plugin: Streamer.dll

*** Streamer Plugin v2.5.2 R2 by Incognito loaded ***

[06:15:46] Loaded.
[06:15:46] Loading plugin: Whirlpool.dll
[06:15:46] Failed.
[06:15:46] Loading plugin: sscanf.dll

[06:15:46] ===============================

[06:15:46] sscanf plugin loaded.

[06:15:46] © 2009 Alex "******" Cole

[06:15:46] 0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"

[06:15:46] ===============================

[06:15:46] Loaded.
[06:15:46] Loading plugin: YSF.dll

[06:15:46] ===============================

[06:15:46] YSF 0.3.00 loaded

[06:15:46] © 2008 Alex "******" Cole

[06:15:46] Operating System: Windows

[06:15:46] ===============================

[06:15:46] Loaded.
[06:15:46] Loaded 3 plugins.

[06:15:47] Filterscripts
[06:15:47] ---------------
[06:15:47] Loading filterscript 'LuxAdmin.amx'...
[06:15:47] Loading filterscript 'vehicleSpawner.amx'...
[06:15:47] |Vehicle spawner by x96664 loaded! |
[06:15:47] --------------------------------------

[06:15:47] Loading filterscript 'BFW.amx'...
[06:15:47] Loading filterscript 'gl_actions.amx'...
[06:15:47] Loading filterscript 'Givecash.amx'...
[06:15:47] Loading filterscript 'R_Speedov2.amx'...
[06:15:47] Speedometer by [WsR]RyDeR - Loaded -
[06:15:47] --------------------------------------

[06:15:47] Loading filterscript 'zones.amx'...
[06:15:47] Zone System 0.1 by RoamPT
[06:15:47] --------------------------------------

[06:15:47] Loaded 7 filterscripts.
[06:15:47] Number of vehicle models: 12

Wait, is this VPS?
Then use Whrilpool.so

Its a Windows vps,plus the other plugins are dll and they load fine.

Take note that there are different types for different OSs and that there is a 32 and 64 bit. I've also observed that it could be Whirlpool.so/dll or whirlpool.so/dll or wp.so/dll

Do you mean it can run .so and .dll and windows can run .so?

No, he meant Windows OSes' come in two versions namely 32 bits and 64 bits. If you're trying to load a plugin compiled in a 32 bit environment on a 64 bit version then it may fail like yours.

could you give me the link of 32 bit and the 64 bit version of whirlpool to test?

Originally Posted by [p3]pr0t0typ3
View Post
could you give me the link of 32 bit and the 64 bit version of whirlpool to test?
Unfortunately, I could only find 32 bit for Windows, 64 bit has not been released by ******. The one that fails to load on your VPS is certainly a 32 bit one, since 64 bit for Windows is not available for the reason mentioned above.

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