CarRespawn help!

Hi, is there a way to set respawn time for all cars on server? I have about 500vehicles and i dont want to change every one manualy :3 If someone could make a fs or something that will set all cars respawn time to never, or at least few hours :3

SetTimer set loopcount to what time you want, and then in the Timer function use SetVehicleToRespawn in loop which count loop will be your amount of your vehicles.

pawn Код:
public OnGameModeInit() //Or OnFilterScriptInit()
    SetTimer("RespawnAllCars", 7200000, true); //Will respawn cars every 2 hours.
    return 1;

forward RespawnAllCars();
public RespawnAllCars()
    for(new v = 0; v < MAX_VEHICLES; v++)
    return 1;

Does this mean that all cars will respawn 2hours after the last respawn, or 2hours being inactive? I know i'm preety bad, but everyone was on the begining some time Than you anyway

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