17.09.2012, 12:07
Last edited by [GF]Logic; 29/03/2013 at 07:33 PM.
Hello SAMP Community What's up
Hey Guys it's me again with a new guide for yaContent
- Getting Started
- Vps Guide
- Hosting Part
- Putty Info
- Me for wirting the tutorial
- Wikipedia for Their great information
- Samp Team with his great Beta testers and admins
- And My Friends
- Greats to every one i know
Getting Started
So uhm alot of threads were made lately saying " i am a noob and i just bought a host with <Number of slots> slots and i was to run this gamemode what to do ?" some one else will say "Guys i got a vps linux/windows and i want to install that gamemode" so please instead of spamming the server support section of this questions you can simply follow this guide and i will answer all the questions when i have time .First : Vps Guide
Well you went to a company asking for a vps.First let's say what is the "VPS" ? Vps as most of us know it's the Virtual Private Server.
But this is just the name well to know more information about VPS please use ****** or go to the best general information website the Wikipedia
Link : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_private_server
so let's say you bought a vps linux i don't really care about the processor i really care about 4 things.
1- Ram 2- Bandwidth 3- Node 4-Operation system
1- Ram
Ram and also known as the memory is very important to run a server even so if you got a 128 MB ram you can run a samp server

and here is the Wikipedia Link : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_memory
2- Bandwidth
Bandwidth it is the rate of data transfer for another info here is Wikipedia
Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bandwidth
3- Node
Node is known as the connection point for more information here is the Wikipedia link
Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Node_%28networking%29
4- Operating system [For Linux & Windows]
Well here we will have to talk and discuss for a while.
For Vps Linux :The most known kinds are :
1-Centos 5 32bit & Centos 6 32bit 2-Debain 5 32bit & Debain 6 32bit 3-Ubuntu 12 32bit & Ubuntu 10 64bit
For Vps Windows : The most use i guess are:
1-Win2003 - Windows Server 2003 2-Win2008 - Windows Server 2008
1- Centos 5 32bit & Centos 6 32bit
Info: CentOS is an Enterprise-class Linux Distribution derived from sources freely provided to the public by a prominent North American Enterprise Linux vendor. CentOS conforms fully with the upstream vendors redistribution policy and aims to be 100% binary compatible. (CentOS mainly changes packages to remove upstream vendor branding and artwork.) CentOS is free.
Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CentOS
2- Debain 5 32bit & Debain 6 32bit
Info: The Debian Project is an association of individuals who have made common cause to create a free operating system. This operating system is called Debian GNU/Linux, or simply Debian for short. Debian systems currently use the Linux kernel. Linux is a completely free piece of software started by Linus Torvalds and supported by thousands of programmers worldwide. Of course, the thing that people want is application software: programs to help them get what they want to do done, from editing documents to running a business to playing games to writing more software. Debian comes with over 20,000 packages (precompiled software that is bundled up in a nice format for easy installation on your machine) - all of it free. It's a bit like a tower. At the base is the kernel. On top of that are all the basic tools. Next is all the software that you run on the computer. At the top of the tower is Debian -- carefully organizing and fitting everything so it all works together.
Link : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debian
3- Ubuntu 12 32bit & Ubuntu 10 32bit
Info:Super-fast, easy to use and free, the Ubuntu operating system powers millions of desktops, netbooks and servers around the world. Ubuntu does everything you need it to. It'll work with your existing PC files, printers, cameras and MP3 players. And it comes with thousands of free apps.
Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_...ting_system%29
1-Win2003 - Windows Server 2003
I Really don't know much about the windows servers any one got more information please post here and i will add it
and give you credits right away.
But here is the Wikipedia Link : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Server_2003
2-Win2008 - Windows Server 2008
I Really don't know much about the windows servers any one got more information please post here and i will add it
and give you credits right away.
But here is the Wikipedia Link : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Server_2008_R2
Note: if you want to know more about the Operating systems in general
Here is the Wikipedia link : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operating_system
Difference between The Operating system
Well if i wrote the difference it would take me hours so here is a link for the wiki answers website giving good information about it
Link: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_t...dows_and_Linux
Hosting Part
Okay so after you Knew more about your vps/host you can Now let's get going.Normal Hosts
Well i don't have the right to give you certain names of websites for hosts so Please go here.
This thread is made by one of our best Beta testers Kingj Link : https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=189169
Some Hosts don't give the right to FTP to the files.
so first let's explain what is FTP?
FTP is File Transfer Protocol little info: File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used to transfer files from one host or to another host over a TCP-based network, such as the Internet.
Wiki link : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_Transfer_Protocol
Best FTP Clients : File Zilla it's so easy to use and in my own experience you should use it.
How to use Fille zilla?
Pardon i really can't just write it down so i decided to record a video

Well maybe your host doesn't support fille zilla? what to do then ?
Well if you want to upload the files go on your hosters website login and go to cpanel or user panel.
you will see something called File Manager. Click on it and you will see something like this but it won't be really like it so.

and then you will get it yourself upload and stuff.
Note: Keep reading the Guide there is some important note down about fille zilla
Now for VPS
Well for Vps if you don't want to use Fille zilla which is much easier you should install a cpanel.
Note: i won't recommended windows and another thing i hate windows

so ****** "How to install cpanel on vps {You operating System}
****** is your friend it will help you with anything just search

Hey you listen up.
First go here : http://sa-mp.com/download.php here you will see different download links for Linux or windows
when you upload the files to whatever your vps or host operating system is make sure you got everything right and for plugins .so for linux .dll for windows
and at last when you upload the files via fille zilla please before you close the client right click on all the files inside the samp03 folder for linux or normal folder for windows and click file permissions and make it 777 so you can run it normally in putty
Now for Putty Info
What is putty ? it's a program used to connect your pc to the vps with a CMD Window well if you got a vps and you want to run your server with putty you go on putty enter your ip without the port in the name area then press enter a window will open.
saying Login: you will write root
password: you will write your "Root password"
then if you are linux write this "cd samp03"
then "nohup ./samp03svr &" press enter twice then tada your server will start running close putty and enjoy.
Well at the end i wish i didn't forget anything and i tried to make it as detailed as possible okay wish you all good luck.