16.09.2012, 16:13
Im slowly learning php and building a website at the same time, could I hear your all thoughts about it, what I have done so far.
Dont look to content or so, just website itself, feel free to press all buttons you see and so on, positive and negative feedback would be great, any security suggestions would be recommened, atm I use session_start(); to store login status only.
What works so far:
News on the frontpage is writable/deletable if you login as admin
Reviews can also be deleted from the web as admin
SAMP server order form, can order multiple servers and they all will show under same username
Control Panel
Thank you once again for any feedbacks
PS. This isnt advertisement, just pure webpage preview.
Im slowly learning php and building a website at the same time, could I hear your all thoughts about it, what I have done so far.
Dont look to content or so, just website itself, feel free to press all buttons you see and so on, positive and negative feedback would be great, any security suggestions would be recommened, atm I use session_start(); to store login status only.
What works so far:
News on the frontpage is writable/deletable if you login as admin
Reviews can also be deleted from the web as admin
SAMP server order form, can order multiple servers and they all will show under same username
Control Panel
Thank you once again for any feedbacks

PS. This isnt advertisement, just pure webpage preview.