11.09.2012, 02:09
Сколько уже пытаюсь сделать, ничего не выходит. Дело в том, что SampQueryAPI отображает только некоторые сервера, например такие как GW, MG, а вот с остальными страница долго загружается и приходит пустой массив. Вот пример работы скрипта для GW: www.moni-tor.ru
Подскажите пожалуйста, как сделать что бы SampQueryAPI отображал все сервера, ведь я такое видел на мониторингах.
Подскажите пожалуйста, как сделать что бы SampQueryAPI отображал все сервера, ведь я такое видел на мониторингах.

PHP код:
* This API also connects directly to the server, but instead of using the
* query system, depends on the RCON system.
* This system, unlike the query system (in my opinion) is not able to
* handle as many calls, so please use this wisely.
* @package sampAPI
* @version 1.2
* @author David Weston <westie@typefish.co.uk>
* @copyright 2010; http://www.typefish.co.uk/licences/nl67c...1.67764323
class SampRconAPI
* @ignore
private $rSocket = false;
* @ignore
private $aServer = array();
* Creation of the RCON class.
public function __construct($sServer, $iPort, $sPassword)
/* Fill some arrays. */
$this->aServer[0] = $sServer;
$this->aServer[1] = $iPort;
$this->aServer[2] = $sPassword;
/* Start the connection. */
$this->rSocket = fsockopen('udp://'.$this->aServer[0], $this->aServer[1], $iError, $sError, 2);
$this->aServer[4] = false;
socket_set_timeout($this->rSocket, 2);
$sPacket = 'SAMP';
$sPacket .= chr(strtok($this->aServer[0], '.'));
$sPacket .= chr(strtok('.'));
$sPacket .= chr(strtok('.'));
$sPacket .= chr(strtok('.'));
$sPacket .= chr($this->aServer[1] & 0xFF);
$sPacket .= chr($this->aServer[1] >> 8 & 0xFF);
$sPacket .= 'p4150';
fwrite($this->rSocket, $sPacket);
if(fread($this->rSocket, 10))
if(fread($this->rSocket, 5) == 'p4150')
$this->aServer[4] = true;
$this->aServer[4] = false;
* @ignore
public function __destruct()
* Used to tell if the server is ready to accept queries.
* If false is returned, then it is suggested that you remove the
* class from active use, so that you can reload the class if needs
* be.
* @return bool true if success, false if failure.
public function isOnline()
return $this->aServer[4];
* Retrieves the command list.
* @return array Array of available RCON commands.
public function getCommandList()
$aCommands = $this->packetSend('cmdlist');
foreach($aCommands as &$sCommand)
$sCommand = trim($sCommand);
return $aCommands;
* Retrieves and parses the server variables.
* @return array Array of current server variables.
public function getServerVariables()
$aVariables = $this->packetSend('varlist');
$aReturn = array();
foreach($aVariables as $sString)
preg_match('/(.*)=[\s]+(.*)/', $sString, $aMatches);
if($aMatches[2][0] == '"')
preg_match('/\"(.*)\"[\s]+\(/', $aMatches[2], $aTemp);
$aReturn[trim($aMatches[1])] = $aTemp[1];
preg_match('/(.*?)\s+\(/', $aMatches[2], $aTemp);
$aReturn[trim($aMatches[1])] = $aTemp[1];
return $aReturn;
* Sets the server's weather to the one specified.
* @param integer $iWeatherID Weather ID
public function setWeather($iWeatherID)
$this->packetSend('weather '.$iWeatherID, false);
* Sets the server's gravity to the one specified.
* @param float $fGravity Gravity amount (0.008 is default)
public function setGravity($fGravity)
$this->packetSend('gravity '.$fGravity, false);
* Bans a player ID from the server.
* @param integer $iPlayerID Player ID
* @return array Output from ban.
public function playerBan($iPlayerID)
return $this->packetSend('ban '.$iPlayerID);
* Kicks a player ID from the server.
* @param integer $iPlayerID Player ID
* @return array Output from kick.
public function playerKick($iPlayerID)
return $this->packetSend('kick '.$iPlayerID);
* Bans an IP address from the server.
* @param string $sIPAddress IP Address
* @return array Output from ban.
public function addressBan($sIPAddress)
return $this->packetSend('banip '.$sIPAddress);
* Unbans an IP address from the server.
* @param string $sIPAddress IP Address
public function addressUnban($sIPAddress)
return $this->packetSend('unbanip '.$sIPAddress);
* Reloads the log on a server - useful when the log doesn't exist
* any more.
public function reloadLogs()
return $this->packetSend('reloadlog');
* Reloads the ban file on a server.
public function reloadBans()
return $this->packetSend('reloadbans');
* Send a message as an admin to the players of the server.
* @param string $sMessage Message
public function adminSay($sMessage)
$this->packetSend('say '.$sMessage, false);
* Change the gamemode in the server.
* @param string $sGamemode Gamemode
public function gameChangeMode($sGamemode)
$this->packetSend('changemode '.$sGamemode, false);
* Sends a call to GMX.
public function gameNextMode()
$this->packetSend('gmx', false);
* Executes a file that contains server configuration.
* @param string $sConfig Server config name/location.
public function gameExec($sConfig)
return $this->packetSend('exec '.$sConfig);
* Loads a filterscript.
* @param string $sFilterscript Filterscript name/location.
public function gameLoadFilterscript($sFilterscript)
return $this->packetSend('loadfs '.$sFilterscript);
* Unloads a filterscript.
* @param string $sFilterscript Filterscript name/location.
public function gameUnloadFilterscript($sFilterscript)
return $this->packetSend('unloadfs '.$sFilterscript);
* Reloads a filterscript.
* @param string $sFilterscript Filterscript name/location.
public function gameReloadFilterscript($sFilterscript)
return $this->packetSend('reloadfs '.$sFilterscript);
* Shuts down the server, without any verification.
public function gameExit()
$this->packetSend('exit', false);
* Send an RCON command.
* @param string $sCommand Command to send to the server.
* @param float $fDelay Seconds to capture data, or false to retrieve no data.
* @return array Array of output, in order of receipt.
public function Call($sCommand, $fDelay = 1.0)
return $this->packetSend($sCommand, $fDelay);
* Send an RCON command.
* @ignore
* @see SampRconApi::Call()
public function packetSend($sCommand, $fDelay = 1.0)
fwrite($this->rSocket, $this->packetCreate($sCommand));
if($fDelay === false)
$aReturn = array();
$iMicrotime = microtime(true) + $fDelay;
while(microtime(true) < $iMicrotime)
$sTemp = substr(fread($this->rSocket, 128), 13);
$aReturn[] = $sTemp;
return $aReturn;
* @ignore
private function packetCreate($sCommand)
$sPacket = 'SAMP';
$sPacket .= chr(strtok($this->aServer[0], '.'));
$sPacket .= chr(strtok('.'));
$sPacket .= chr(strtok('.'));
$sPacket .= chr(strtok('.'));
$sPacket .= chr($this->aServer[1] & 0xFF);
$sPacket .= chr($this->aServer[1] >> 8 & 0xFF);
$sPacket .= 'x';
$sPacket .= chr(strlen($this->aServer[2]) & 0xFF);
$sPacket .= chr(strlen($this->aServer[2]) >> 8 & 0xFF);
$sPacket .= $this->aServer[2];
$sPacket .= chr(strlen($sCommand) & 0xFF);
$sPacket .= chr(strlen($sCommand) >> 8 & 0xFF);
$sPacket .= $sCommand;
return $sPacket;