Custom Death Window

How would I go about making a Custom death Message.
Such as When a person dies from Heliblade/Falling, It would say "Username is no more"
Or when a person is shot by a specific gun, Like the AK47 or M4, It would say Username [AK47] KillersUsername

Clearly it would have to do with the SendDeathMessage function....

Well, if you just wanted a message submitted in the chatbox, you could just input a SendClientMessageToAll function in OnPlayerDeath.

I assume you mean something like this?

pawn Код:
new weaponname[32], string[64];
GetWeaponName(reason, weaponname, sizeof(weaponname));
format(string,sizeof(string),"%s [%s] %s.",GetPlayerNameEx(killerid),weaponname,GetPlayerNameEx(playerid));
I was looking through old posts when I found something similar, I tried to fix it up.

Would that be a possibility as far as it actually working? If so, Can this be put into a Textdraw?

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