Help Again REP++

pawn Код:
if(pickupid == info)
    new help[2500];
    strcat(help, "{FF0000}______________________________________________{33AA33}|- BEGINNER GUIDE -|{FF0000}______________________________________________  \n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{33AA33}|- {FF0000}House System {33AA33}-|\n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}You Can Find Houses All Over San Andreas Map. Houses Come Variety Of Different Styles,Sizes ,And Prices\n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}Server Has Professional Mapper So They Can Create\n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}/buyh Is To Buy Available House. And /sellh Is TO Sell Your Current House \n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}/lockh Is To Lock Your House. And /unlockh is To Unlock Your House \n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}/enterh To Enter a Houses. And /exith To Exit To The House {COLOR_RED}[NOTE: Dont Use Doors]\n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}/gotoh To Teleport To Your House\n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{33AA33}|- {FF0000}Vehicle Ownership System {33AA33}-|\n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}You Can Find Vehicles All Over San Andereas Map. There are 2000 Vehicles Can Buy, 180 Models ,and 15 Max Vehicles \n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}We Have Many Command For Vehicle Ownership System \n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}/vbuy To Buy Vehicles. ,and /vsell To Sell Your Vehicles \n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}/vcall To call Your Vehicle One By One. and /vpark to Park Your Vehicle \n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{33AA33}|- {FF0000}Business System {33AA33}-|\n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}Your Bussines Will Earn Specific Ammount Of Money per Hour And That Ammount differs From bussines To Bussines\n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}/buybiz To Buy A Business, /sellbiz To Sell Your Current Business\n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}/gotobiz To Teleport To Your Business, /cashbox And Your Money Will be sent to your Bank Account \n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{33AA33}|- {FF0000}Other {33AA33}-|\n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}/racehelp To See Race Commands\n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}/bankhelp(l) To See Laws Commands\n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}/medichelp(l) To See Medics Commands\n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}/cellhelp(l) To See Cellphone Commands\n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}/ganghelp(l) To See Gangs Commands\n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FFFF00}- {FFFFFF}/telehelp(l) To See Teleports Commands\n", sizeof(help));
    strcat(help, "{FF0000}________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  \n", sizeof(help));
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 123456, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "NEW-GENERATION HELP", help, "Close","");
    SendClientMessage(playerid, red,"Press ESC To Close The Dialog");
    new p = ClosestBiz(playerid);
    if(pickupid < 3) {
        GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~b~Type ~y~/bankhelpl ~b~ to use the bank.",5000,3);
//      ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOGID3+9, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Bank Commands", "Teleport to the Bank\nExit the Bank\nBuy a Condom\nBuy Weed\nBuy Weed Bag\nDeposit Money\nDeposit Gang Money\nWithdraw Money\nWithdraw Gang Money\nCheck Balance\nCheck Gang Balance\nGive Money to Player\nAttempt to rob the Bank", "Select", "Cancel");
        return 1;
I Create That Dialog But The Dialog Dosent WOrk
And This Will Gonna Show TO u
pawn Код:
GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~b~Type ~y~/bankhelpl ~b~ to use the bank.",5000,3);
Thats Code
Please Need Help

But Its To Long

Which version of SAMP are you using?

change dialog id lower? like 12345

Originally Posted by [Bios]Marcel
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Then whe can't help you!

Originally Posted by kirollos
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change dialog id lower? like 12345
tnx it works

It Ok

Bloody hell, the problem is that your dialog ID is 123456, that's way over the allowed limit wich is 36000, I think?
pawn Код:
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 123456//THIS NUMBER
Don't you know to count, it's easy, 1 ,2 ,3.Define a reasonable small number for the dialog, like 1, and if you already have that dialog defined then, 10, or 20.BUT NOT OVER 100000!!!

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