[HELP]Object questions[HELP]!!!

How can I know if an object created by me(wich moves), collides /crashes into another object(example:building, player, etc.).Thanks in advance, I really need it.

The object moves? If yes, then on MoveObject, make a loop checking the object pos and check if there's any other object nearby, to check that simply make a stock (which uses loop and get's all the objects you got's position) and if it's in range of 0.2 or 0.3 etc then do what you want

Hmm, thanks, yet, I don't really think you understood, I want it so if touches a building(deafultly added in SAMP, it would crash, yet, I'll take a better look at all SAMP functions, maybe RemoveBuildingForPlayer helps, somehow, yet I'd need something more like, IsBuildingInArea :P.

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