No errors but bug please help..

dini_IntSet(path, "Float:X %d", Float:X);
dini_IntSet(path, "Float:Rotation: %d", Float:rotation);
dini_IntSet(path, "Float:Z %d", Float:Z);
dini_IntSet(path, "Float:Y %d", Float:Y);

Note: It works at all, even it saves
but the result of it in the .ini file is wrong.
it is this, find this problem and tell me and fix it if you can.

Result:Float:X %d=1092826463
Float:Rotation: %d=0
Float:Z %d=1157603305
Float:Y %d=1151943800
Float:rotation %d=0

pawn Код:
dini_FloatSet(path, "Float:X", Float:X);
dini_FloatSet(path, "Float:Rotation", Float:rotation);
dini_FloatSet(path, "Float:Z", Float:Z);
dini_FloatSet(path, "Float:Y", Float:Y);

no but there is no "." in the floats.

These are not the full lines lol, these are half lines, but i think the mistake done is in these lines.

I deleted that code before because that was not working, but can you help me with that thing?
Make me a jetsaving system, when we go off it destroys and when we spawn that createsvehicle
and the vehicle spawns at there last Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z,Float:rotation
and if you think DestroyVehicle needs a vehicle id
so, dont write there a vehicle id
write there vipcar.
and at CreateVehicle write, vipcar = CreateVehicle
Make me that pleaze, for more questions ask me.

I fixed the results bug.
but now when i spawn
i couldn't see the vehicle

new path[120],pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof(pname));
format(path, sizeof(path), "/jets/%s.ini", pname);
vipcar = CreateVehicle(522,dini_Int(path, "Float:Z"),dini_Int(path, "Float:Y"),dini_Int(path, "Float:Z"),dini_Int(path, "Float:rotation"),1,1,1);

It saves the Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z,Float:rotation when we disconnect.
I fixed that
but, when we spawn then i cant see the vehicle 522, if you know what mistake i did in OnPlayerSpawn code
then fix it pleaze?

pawn Код:
vipcar = CreateVehicle(522,dini_Float(path, "Float:Z"),dini_Float(path, "Float:Y"),dini_Float(path, "Float:Z"),dini_Float(path, "Float:rotation"),1,1,1);
If this is not working, then please show thw full saving code, and it's result.

Just make me a jet saving system, when i go off it destroys and saves it position into notepad and everything
when i become online it should be spawn at his last position.

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