25.08.2012, 14:09
what cell phone do you have?
25.08.2012, 14:09
I have this - S/\MSuNG Dues Ace III
25.08.2012, 17:09
Sony Xperia P
25.08.2012, 17:54
25.08.2012, 18:16
Just kidding :P
Real Phone
25.08.2012, 18:56
Mine is dated from when there were no brands, we just call it a telegraph.
25.08.2012, 22:14
HTC Touch Diamond 2
26.08.2012, 18:09
26.08.2012, 19:08
Got me one of these now:
27.08.2012, 11:05
Huawei U8650 Sonic [IMG]http://www.******.com/imgres?um=1&hl=sl&client=firefox-a&sa=N&rls=org.mozillalfficial&biw=1680&bih=91 1&tbm=isch&tbnid=22tdKPlee5wFgM:&imgrefurl=http://www.racunalo.com/telekomunikacije/32128-huawei-u8650-sonic--android-smartphone-koji-se-lajka-voli-pazi-i-osjea-sexy.html&imgurl=http://www.racunalo.com/images/stories/2010b-komunikacije/huawei-u8650-sonic-02.jpg&w=560&h=500&ei=-lc7ULqIKJLa4QT9zoHwCQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=673&vpy=4 19&dur=1154&hovh=212&hovw=238&tx=97&ty=153&sig=108 728895019743086756&page=1&tbnh=133&tbnw=149&start= 0&ndsp=45&ved=1t:429,r:21,s:0,i:137[/IMG]
30.08.2012, 18:03
Blackberry Curve 9320
31.08.2012, 16:25
Nokia c7. Does almost as much as that fucking iphone's 4(Cos my mother has one and it sucks compared to mine), it's cheaper, and you dont need itunes to put music. You can even download from ******* in it.
31.08.2012, 16:55
Sony erricson W200i
Nokia 5530.
Nokia 5530.
31.08.2012, 16:58
HTC Wildifre S <- Gonna sell it off though.
31.08.2012, 19:55
HTC desire, after having it for more than 2 years now I must say that I'm quite disappointed with the battery life(it never lasted more than 24h without charging!)
I'm planning to upgrade next year or so to sgs4 or the new nexus
I'm planning to upgrade next year or so to sgs4 or the new nexus
31.08.2012, 20:01
Nokia C5, I personally find it rubbish. Speaker broke within a month, I can only use it with hands free.
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