28.08.2012, 20:03
Hello I got a Pizza Job, I can join the job and it give me the uniform I go to the Pizza Boy Faggio and I go to an Icon and When I use /getpizza It stops the server and start lagging my Game.
Here is the Code:
Can anyone Help me on fixing that please
Here is the Code:
CMD:getpizza(playerid, params[]) { if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pJob] != 21 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pJob2] != 21) { SendClientMessageEx(playerid,COLOR_GREY," You are not a Pizza Boy!"); return 1; } new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); if(!(IsAPizzaCar(vehicleid) && GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER)) { SendClientMessageEx(playerid,COLOR_GREY," You need to be driving a pizzaboy found at the side of the Pizza Stack!"); return 1; } if(!(GetPlayerSkin(playerid) == 155)) { SendClientMessageEx(playerid,COLOR_GREY," You need to be in the Pizza Stack uniform!"); return 1; } new playername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid, playername, sizeof(playername)); if (!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 3.0, 2104.2380, -1824.5687, 13.5547)) { SendClientMessageEx(playerid,COLOR_GREY," You are not at the Pizza Stack pickup!"); return 1; } if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "Pizza") > 0) { SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GREY, " You are already delivering pizzas!"); return 1; } new rand = random(MAX_HOUSES - 1); while(!(HouseInfo[rand][hExteriorZ] <= 100 && HouseInfo[rand][hExteriorX] > 2402.6104 && HouseInfo[rand][hExteriorX] < 2498.5225 && HouseInfo[rand][hExteriorY] < 1334.343750 && HouseInfo[rand][hExteriorY] > -1644.7028)) { rand++; if(rand == 1400) { rand = 1; } } SetPVarInt(playerid, "tpPizzaTimer", floatround((GetPizzaDistance(rand) / 80), floatround_round)); SetPVarInt(playerid, "pizzaTotal", floatround((GetPizzaDistance(rand) / 10), floatround_round)); SetPVarInt(playerid, "pizzaTimer", GetPVarInt(playerid, "pizzaTotal")); SetTimerEx("OtherTimerEx", 1000, false, "ii", playerid, TYPE_TPPIZZARUNTIMER); SetTimerEx("OtherTimerEx", 10000, false, "ii", playerid, TYPE_PIZZATIMER); //1000 new szMessage[128]; format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "You have picked up a pizza for %s. You have %d seconds to deliver it!", HouseInfo[rand][hOwner], GetPVarInt(playerid, "pizzaTotal")); SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, szMessage); SetPVarInt(playerid, "Pizza", rand); PizzaBar[playerid] = CreateProgressBar(258.00, 137.00, 131.50, 3.19, COLOR_GREEN, 100.0); SetProgressBarValue(PizzaBar[playerid], 100.0); ShowProgressBarForPlayer(playerid, PizzaBar[playerid]); SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, HouseInfo[rand][hExteriorX], HouseInfo[rand][hExteriorY], HouseInfo[rand][hExteriorZ], 5); return 1; }
Float:GetPizzaDistance(houseid) { new Float: pDistance; pDistance = GetDistance(2104.2380,-1824.5687,13.5547, HouseInfo[houseid][hExteriorX], HouseInfo[houseid][hExteriorY], HouseInfo[houseid][hExteriorZ]); return pDistance; }