27.08.2012, 13:29
Последний раз редактировалось Cjgogo; 03.02.2015 в 13:16.
OK, so this is my first tutorial, so please take it easy, thanks. Here are the features of the bank system:
1)Score request for buying card
2)Deposit/Withdraw/Transfer option
3)Card Number
4)Bank Interest
5)CardInfo check through command
ZCMD-Special thanks to Zeex
Y_INI-Special thanks to ******
sscanf-Special thanks to ******
Basic Scripting
I was thinking not to add this, because the tutorial is about the bank system, yet here is the code for the building, I won't be giving much explanation about this, because this is NOT part of the actual tutorial/code.
pawn Код:
new ebank; //enter bank
new exbank; //exit bank
public OnPlayerPickUp(playerid,pickupid)
return 1;
Actual Scripting
OK, so here comes the actual code. First of all, you should know that for saving the data we will need a DataBase. OK, we will do that, but first we must define the path(folder in wich each player's bank file will save). DataBase related files, if you are using any other DB system than MySQL, should be located in scriptfiles. First step is to go in the scriptfiles folder and create a folder BankDB. (IT IS very important, YOU DO NOT have to forget this!) OK, now we're good. But we have to define that path in our gamemode, at top, also:
pawn Код:
#define bPATH "/BankDB/%s.ini"
pawn Код:
stock BankDB(playerid)
new string[128],pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];//we defined the variable that will store the player's name
GetPlayerName(playerid,pName,sizeof(pName));//we get the name
format(string,sizeof(string),bPATH,pName);//we format the file for the player
return string;//this will return his name,because we actually stored in the string the player's name
pawn Код:
enum bInfo
pawn Код:
new BankInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][bInfo];//this will make the bank features available, and we will actually store the variables through BankInfo for each player
pawn Код:
forward Load_FileTag(playerid,name[],value[]);
public Load_FileTag(playerid,name[],value[]);
return 1;
[BankData]//the actual tag Owner = [LSCS]Eddie DepositedMoney = 49750 CardNumber = 1000
Good, so, now that you saw the format of a load function, here it goes our bank-data loading function:
pawn Код:
forward LoadBankInfo_BankData(playerid,name[],value[]);
public LoadBankInfo_BankData(playerid,name[],value[])//you can see that the tag is BankData(like inside the file)
INI_String("Owner",BankInfo[playerid][Owner],24);//we will need to load the stored
INI_Int("CardNumber",BankInfo[playerid][CardNumber]);//the card number will be stored
INI_Int("DepositedMoney",BankInfo[playerid][DepositedMoney]);//the ammount of deposited ammount stored
return 1;
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
if(fexist(BankDB(playerid))) INI_ParseFile(BankDB(playerid), "LoadBankInfo_%s", .bExtra = true, .extra = playerid);//THIS is the actual loading
return 1;
pawn Код:
enum pInfo
pawn Код:
[NextBNumber] CurrentCardNum = 1000
Coding the features
ALMOST all the banks system I've seen were using commands. Let's use something a bit advanced, pickups and dialogs. OK, for instance we define them. Once again, I WILL use very suggestive names, so you will understand what's all about, hopefully, for NOT understanding the very suggestive names, you must be a really bad english speaker, I don't think that a really bad english speaker would be able to read tutorials in english sections.
pawn Код:
new DepositMoney;
new WithDrawMoney;
new BuyCard;
new TransferMoney;
new tShow[MAX_PLAYERS];//we will see later what this stands for
pawn Код:
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_CARDCHECK,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"International Bank of SA","Insert your firend's card number:","OK","Cancel");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_DEPOSITM,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"International Bank of SA","Insert the ammount of money you wish to deposit:","OK","Cancel");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_WITHDRAWM,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"International Bank of SA","Insert the ammount of money you wish to withdraw","OK","Cancel");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_BUYCARD,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"International Bank of San Andreas","Do you want to buy a card,in order to open a bank account(500$)?","Yes","No");
return 1;
pawn Код:
new cNum;//the variable to store the card number in
INI:ABankNum[NextBNumber](name[], value[])
INI_Int("CurrentCardNum",cNum);//the storage
return 0;
pawn Код:
new bInterest[MAX_PLAYERS];//the specific timer for each player
forward BankInterest(playerid);//this function will execute the code when the timer is over,and then repeats the timer
pawn Код:
//NOW I DO suposse,that when the player logs in,you parse(load) his pFile,AND now,therefor,something more will be loaded :D,and that is PlayerInfo[playerid][CardOwner],so here we go
//your loading function(OBVIUSLY,because you loaded the info,we will know the value of PlayerInfo[playerid][CardOwner]
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][CardOwner]==1) bInterest=SetTimerEx("BankInterest",1440000,true,"i",playerid);//we set the timer IF the player has a card
return 1;
pawn Код:
public BankInterest(playerid)
BankInfo[playerid][DepositedMoney]=BankInfo[playerid][DepositedMoney]+10000;//the player receives 10k
new INI:bFile=INI_Open(BankDB(playerid));//we open the player's bank file
INI_SetTag(bFile,"BankData");//we set the tag
INI_WriteInt(bFile,"DepositedMoney",BankInfo[playerid][DepositedMoney]);//we modify the variable
INI_Close(bFile);//we close the file
SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_YELLOW,"Bank interest received!");//we tell the player that now he's richer
return 1;
pawn Код:
if(response==0) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"Action aborted!");
if(GetPlayerScore(playerid)>=30)//the score request
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][CardOwner]==0)//if he doesn't have a card
SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,"You have succesfully bhought a bank card,and now have an account on your name opened in this bank!");
SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,"In order to acces the informations of your card anytime you want,use /cardinfo");
INI_Load("ABankNum.ini");//WE LOAD THE CardNumber association file
GivePlayerMoney(playerid,-500);//we take te price of the card
BankInfo[playerid][CardNumber]=cNum;//as you should remeber I wanted to store the cardnumber in cNum
new INI:cInfo=INI_Open("ABankNum.ini");//now I open the file that stores the next card number
INI_SetTag(cInfo,"NextBNumber");//I set the tag
INI_WriteInt(cInfo,"CurrentCardNum",cNum+1);//I increment the number(if the actual player's cardnumber is 1000,the next one will be 1001
BankInfo[playerid][DepositedMoney]=0;//he receives no deposited bonus because I am a bad guy :D
new pName[24];
new INI:PFile=INI_Open(Accounts(playerid));//FIRST WE OPEN HIS ACCOUNT file
INI_SetTag(PFile,"Data");//we set the tag
INI_WriteInt(PFile,"CardOwner",PlayerInfo[playerid][CardOwner]);//we tell the DataBase that he now HAS a card
INI_Close(PFile);//we close the file
new INI:bFile=INI_Open(BankDB(playerid));//NOW we open his Bank DataBase file(actually,because he's buying card,we're creating IT,as the file DOES NOT exist
INI_SetTag(bFile,"BankData");//we set the tag
INI_WriteString(bFile,"Owner",BankInfo[playerid][Owner]);//we store the owner
INI_WriteInt(bFile,"DepositedMoney",BankInfo[playerid][DepositedMoney]);//we store the deposited ammount
INI_WriteInt(bFile,"CardNumber",BankInfo[playerid][CardNumber]);//we store his card number
bInterest[playerid]=SetTimerEx("BankInterest",1440000,true,"i",playerid);//we set the timer FOR THE specific player
else SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"You already own a card!Type /cardinfo for more!");
else SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"You need at least 30 score to buy a card!");
pawn Код:
if(response==0) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"Action aborted!");
if(!strval(inputtext)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"Invalid ammount!");//player is able to insert ONLY numbers
new DepositAmmount=strval(inputtext);//this is how we get the number he inserted through the dialog
new CurrentAmmount=GetPlayerMoney(playerid);//we get his money
if(DepositAmmount>CurrentAmmount) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"You don't have that much money one you!");//if he has 20,and tries to deposit 21,he won't be able
new INI:bFile=INI_Open(BankDB(playerid));//else we open his DataBase
INI_SetTag(bFile,"BankData");//we set the tag
BankInfo[playerid][DepositedMoney]=BankInfo[playerid][DepositedMoney]+DepositAmmount;//we modify the deposit variable by adding to it the number inserted through the dialog
INI_WriteInt(bFile,"DepositedMoney",BankInfo[playerid][DepositedMoney]);//and of course we store it
INI_Close(bFile);//then we close the file
GivePlayerMoney(playerid,-DepositAmmount);//BUT the player looses the deposited ammount(he had 40$,deposited 20$,now he has 20$)
SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_YELLOW,"Succesfully deposited money into account,type /cardinfo for more!");
pawn Код:
if(response==0) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"Action aborted!");
if(!strval(inputtext)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"Invalid ammount!");
new WithDrawAmmount=strval(inputtext);
if(WithDrawAmmount>BankInfo[playerid][DepositedMoney]) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"You don't have that much money in bank,type /cardinfo for more!");
BankInfo[playerid][DepositedMoney]=BankInfo[playerid][DepositedMoney]-WithDrawAmmount;//when he substracted the respective ammount,then his deposited ammount has changed,of course
new INI:bFile=INI_Open(BankDB(playerid));//we open the DataBase
INI_SetTag(bFile,"BankData");//we set the tag
INI_WriteInt(bFile,"DepositedMoney",BankInfo[playerid][DepositedMoney]);//we STORE the new deposited ammount
INI_Close(bFile);//we close the file
GivePlayerMoney(playerid,WithDrawAmmount);//we provide him with the required money
new string[256];
format(string,sizeof(string),"Succesfully withdrawed %d$!",WithDrawAmmount);//I formated a string to inform the player how much he has withdrawed
pawn Код:
new transferplayer;//this will store the playerid's wich has the inserted card number
if(response==0) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"Action aborted!");
if(!strval(inputtext)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"Invalid card number!");//again,he can only insert a numeric value in order to avoid bugs/errors
new cardnum;
new OK=0;//this variable will tell us if there's any player with the inserted card number(1 YES,0 NO)
for(new i=0;i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++)//we start the loop
if(BankInfo[i][CardNumber]==cardnum)//we check the players cardnumber,if it's the same as the inserted one
transferplayer=i;//if yes,we store his ID,into the variable defined earlier
OK=1;//we make the OK variable 1(THERE IS SOMEONE with the inserted card)
break;//we stoop the loop
if(OK==0) SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"Your friend is not connected or card number is invalid!");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_TRANSFERM,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"International Bank of SA","Insert the ammount of money you wish to transfer:","OK","Cancel");//we show the ACTUAL TRANSFER dialog
pawn Код:
if(response==0) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"Action canceled!");
if(!strval(inputtext)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"Invalid ammount of money!");
new transmoney;
transmoney=strval(inputtext);//so we get the inserted ammount wich the player wishes to transfer
if(transmoney>BankInfo[playerid][DepositedMoney]) {SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"You don't have that much money on bank!");tShow[playerid]=0;//the variable that stops the dialogs from overwriting is now 0,because it's like he exited the pickup ;)}//BUT,if his deposited ammount is smaller than the inserted ammount,then he won't be able to transfer money anymore
BankInfo[playerid][DepositedMoney]=BankInfo[playerid][DepositedMoney]-transmoney;//first we modify the actual player's deposited ammount
new INI:bFile=INI_Open(BankDB(playerid));//we open his file
INI_SetTag(bFile,"BankData");//we set the tag
INI_WriteInt(bFile,"DepositedMoney",BankInfo[playerid][DepositedMoney]);//we store the new deposited ammount
INI_Close(bFile);//we close the file
BankInfo[transferplayer][DepositedMoney]=BankInfo[transferplayer][DepositedMoney]+transmoney;//NOW we modify the deposited ammount OF the player that the money has been transfered TO
new INI:bFile2=INI_Open(BankDB(transferplayer));//we open HIS DataBase
INI_SetTag(bFile2,"BankData");//we set the tag
INI_WriteInt(bFile2,"DepositedMoney",BankInfo[transferplayer][DepositedMoney]);//we store the new ammount
INI_Close(bFile2);//and we close his file
new pName[24],pName2[24];//variables to store the player's name
new string[256],string2[256];//informative messages
format(string,sizeof(string),"Succesfully transfered %d$ to %s!",transmoney,pName2);//we format the message wich will look like "Succesfully transfered 20$ to John"
SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,string);//we inform the player
format(string2,sizeof(string2),"%s has succesfully transfered you %d$!",pName,transmoney);//again,informative messages
PlayerPlaySound(transferplayer,1057,0,0,0);//just a confirmation sound
tShow[playerid]=0;//again we make the variable that prevents dialogs from overwriting 0
pawn Код:
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][CardOwner]==0) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"You don't have a bank card,go buy one for ONLY 500$!");
new string[128];
format(string,sizeof(string),"Card Owner:%s\nCard Number:%d\nDeposited Money:%d\n\n IBSA-POWER to you!",BankInfo[playerid][Owner],BankInfo[playerid][CardNumber],BankInfo[playerid][DepositedMoney]);//we format the string wich will contain the player's bank data
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_CARDINFO,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"International Bank of SA",string,"OK","Cancel");//this is the infromative dialog
return 1;
pawn Код:
if(response==0||response==1) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,"Enjoy the power brought to you by IBSA(International Bank of San Andreas)!");//sends the same message,no matter what button the player pressed :P