Cars Spawning in water.

Guys,at my server the cars started to teleport in water or blueberry when you do /park /createpvehicle or any kind of these commands.

LoooooooooooL, It's Not Possible! Cars can't go.
BTw, if u r true. pls post some images*
Anyone CoooL, LoooooOoLzZ

What script you using? You can have your files bugged.

Your script is bugged if you spawn on BlueBerry.But i don't know about the water stuff.Check that you have proper scriftfiles and also Your GM must have heavu errors.

Server doesn't have any errors its running perfectly,but error started to occure as we hitted 40 players before a hour

Check your script man, the Blueberry error is when the co-ordinates are not loaded and they're all 0,0,0,0. Then your car spawns on the BB Farm.

Try recompiling your script if there isnt any mistakes in your script.

Your script is bugged. I have experienced this.

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