
Why my Create3DTextLabel are not showing in the game

pawn Код:
Create3DTextLabel("Oblozuvalnica\nPritisnete F za da vlezete",ZA3DTEXT,1631.8409,-1172.9194,24.0843,10.0,0);

if it compiles completely and without any error , the problem may be cause of the draw distance.

I fix this by using CreatePlayer3DTextLabel instead of Create3DTextLabel.
oh and one note if you gonna create CreatePlayer3DTextLabel you must put it on a callback that has playerid parameter

what is this "ZA3DTEXT"
show where you define it

I use createplayer3dtextlabel :S
And i dont have ERRORS

ZA3DTEXT is a color
pawn Код:
#define ZA3DTEXT 0x00F5FFFF
Edit: may be the warnigs?Becuse i have 274 warnings

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