23.08.2012, 18:07
Последний раз редактировалось Mr.Sanchez; 24.08.2012 в 22:43.
Причина: Update
Hello Guys First Of All to tell you this is My First Gamemode So it won't be "Perfect" ;P
Let's start
This is v.0.0.2 alpha version,We are adding New feature's and Upgrading The Gamemode if there's any bugs Report On This Forum Or to My Pm.
Let's look at features
1-Unique script,scripted from scratch
2-An Little But Growing Faction System /factions
3-A Good Non Buggy Economy System!
4-Commands With Dialogs!
5-Custom Mapping!
And many more waiting you to explore
Warning The People on this List Are Awsome
1-Me For Scripting The Gamemode From Scratch And Testing it.
2.Akira297 For Inspiring and Encouraging Me To Continiue Devloping This Gamemode Also Helping Me with Few Scripts. Thanks Akira :P
3.Rhyan_West For Helping Me Test the Gamemode And Awsome Suggestions
More info coming soon
Download Link:Download V.0.0.2 [NEWEST]
Note:We accept mirror's you can simply make a mirror and pm me
Let's start

Let's look at features

2-An Little But Growing Faction System /factions
3-A Good Non Buggy Economy System!
4-Commands With Dialogs!
5-Custom Mapping!
And many more waiting you to explore

1-Me For Scripting The Gamemode From Scratch And Testing it.
2.Akira297 For Inspiring and Encouraging Me To Continiue Devloping This Gamemode Also Helping Me with Few Scripts. Thanks Akira :P
3.Rhyan_West For Helping Me Test the Gamemode And Awsome Suggestions
More info coming soon
Download Link:Download V.0.0.2 [NEWEST]
Note:We accept mirror's you can simply make a mirror and pm me

- .....................|.|.|V.0.0.2|.|.|............ .......
- Change The /Help Command to a Dialog
- Added 3 Animations Including /cig /sprunk /beer
- Added Messages when players enters car.
- Added /fixcar and /flipcar
- Fixed: The Moneybug Where Player Can buy the item Even though he dosen't have the money
- Fixed:The /Factions Bugs.
- Added:/Suicide Command .And a Global message to all Players When a Player Suicides.
- Added: Join and Leave Messages
- Added:Messages When Player Joins Good/Bad Faction. Colours are diffrent.
- Changed:The Skins That The Factions Have.
- Changed The Gamemode Name To Sanchez Deathmatch
- Changed:The Credits.