Lux Admin - Register Login ( On Connect )

Hey Everyone i'm using Lux admin system for my server, does anyone know how to make register|login on player connect luxadmin usually have register\login with dialog and which appears on when player spawn so i want register login box to show on when player connect please can anyone help me thanks

Just move this:

pawn Код:
// Request Register
    if(AccInfo[playerid][Registered] == 0 && ServerInfo[MustRegister] == 1)
        #if USE_DIALOGS == true
        new rstring[256];
        format(rstring,256,"Welcome to the '%s'\n\nAccount '%s' is not registred!\n\nEnter the password to Register your Account:",GetServerHostName(),pName(playerid));
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOGID+66,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"Register Account",rstring,"Register","Quit");
        return 1;
// Request Login
    if(ServerInfo[MustLogin] == 1 && AccInfo[playerid][Registered] == 1 && AccInfo[playerid][LoggedIn] == 0)
        #if USE_DIALOGS == true
        new lstring[256];
        format(lstring,256,"That account '%s 'is Registered!\n\n Login to access your Account:",pName(playerid));
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOGID+67,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"Login Account",lstring,"Login","Quit");
        return 1;
Under the OnPlayerConnect callback. Make sure to remove this from the OnPlayerSpawn afterwards.

Yea i did exactly what you said but it shows the login box on connect but when i login no message like how it shows after logging in that you have been logged in bla bla it doesnt show and i'm admin there so i can't even see me in /admins !! Help please !

These issues seem kinda familiar to be honest, I'd suggest you to move the LuxAdmin to the first FS on the FS's line inside the server.cfg file. This seemed to fix many issues with the outdated system. If this doesn't work I'll try looking in deeper.

Bro it is already in my first line ^

I think this is going to take more effort that I thought. You'll need to do some testing, to see if there's conflicts between scripts. Here's a starter, use the grandlarc as the GM and have no other FS's other than LuxAdmin, if it works flawlessly then we can narrow the cause down.

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