-->How To Fix It?<--

pawn Код:
(4291) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
And the line :

pawn Код:
new string[128]; format(string, sizeof(string), "%s has been kicked (Failed Logins)", PlayerName2(playerid) );

This is why:

pawn Код:
new string[128]; //Global variable


new string[128];
new string[256]; //Two of the same in a function
Just change it to string2 or remove the global variable string and create it back where it is needed.

Thanks dude.

Good job

Originally Posted by Kindred
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This is why:

pawn Код:
new string[128]; //Global variable


new string[128];
new string[256]; //Two of the same in a function
Just change it to string2 or remove the global variable string and create it back where it is needed.
ey pal i helpet him wwell donee helpet

Originally Posted by Jay.
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ey pal i helpet him wwell donee helpet
+1 rep pal

You got two global and/or local new defined variables/strings that have the same displayed name, therefor they are conflicted.
Change them, and all the things related to em, hope it helps.

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