17.08.2012, 14:34
Последний раз редактировалось KillamanITA; 18.08.2012 в 07:10.
Hello, i'm Killaman, an Italian Scripter. Today i present my SA:MP include. Of course will be updated with the passing of time.
Save the code in .inc format and add on top of your Script:
Functions v1.0:
Pastebin v1.0:
Save the code in .inc format and add on top of your Script:
#include <KInclude>
SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Interior, VirtualWorld); - Ex: SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 0, 0); ClearChatForPlayer(playerid, Lines); - Ex: ClearChatForPlayer(playerid, 16); ClearChatForAll(Lines); - Ex: ClearChatForAll(30); PlayAudioStreamForAll(url[]); - Ex: PlayAudioStreamForAll("http://lololol.com/song.mp3/); StopAudioStreamForAll(playerid); - StopAudioStreamForAll();
Good luck, +1 rep please