Whirlpool Plugin Loading:Failed. HELP

i use server 03d and i have luxadmin script on.I need help with whirlpool plugin.
It will not run,there's no way.i Tryed installing mysql still not good.
Here is my log in normal situation:
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3d-R2, ©2005-2011 SA-MP Team

[12:23:22] Server Plugins
[12:23:22] --------------
[12:23:22] Loading plugin: Whirlpool
[12:23:22] ==================
[12:23:22] Whirlpool loaded
[12:23:22] ==================
[12:23:22] Loaded.
[12:23:22] Loaded 1 plugins.

[12:23:22] Filterscripts
[12:23:22] ---------------
[12:23:22] Loading filterscript 'LuxAdmin.amx'...
__________________________________________________ _
[12:23:22] L.A.S v1.6 Beta
[12:23:22] ---------------
[12:23:22] LuX Administration System
[12:23:22] __________________________________________________ _

[12:23:22] -> Loading...
-Current Configurations Successfully Loaded!

[12:23:22] -> L.A.S Basic Loaded Configurations:
And here is now:

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3d-R2, ©2005-2011 SA-MP Team

[20:34:55] Server Plugins
[20:34:55] --------------
[20:34:55] Loading plugin: Whirlpool
[20:34:58] Failed.
[20:34:58] Loaded 0 plugins.

[20:34:58] Failed.
[20:34:58] Loaded 0 plugins.

[20:35:01] Ban list
[20:35:01] --------
[20:35:01] Loaded: samp.ban
[20:35:02] Ban list
[20:35:02] --------
[20:35:02] Loaded: samp.ban
[20:35:03] Filterscripts
[20:35:03] ---------------
[20:35:03] Loading filterscript 'LuxAdmin.amx'...
[20:35:03] Filterscripts
[20:35:03] ---------------
[20:35:03] Loading filterscript 'LuxAdmin.amx'...
[20:35:06] Loading filterscript 'adminspec.amx'...
[20:35:07] Loading filterscript 'anticheat.amx'...
[20:35:07] ------Anti-Cheat by Ivan/Dino loaded!------
[20:35:07] --------------------------------------

[20:35:07] Loading filterscript 'asd.amx'...
[20:35:08] Anims Loading
[20:35:08] By Tony
[20:35:08] --------------------------------------

[20:35:08] Loading filterscript 'base.amx'...
--Base FS loaded.

[20:35:09] Loading filterscript 'baseaf.amx'...
--Base FS loaded.

[20:35:09] Loading filterscript 'cargoship.amx'...
[20:35:10] Loading filterscript 'fadmin.amx'...
[20:35:11] Loading filterscript 'ferriswheel.amx'...
[20:35:12] Loading filterscript 'iradio.amx'...
[20:35:12] Loading filterscript 'Jail_System.amx'...
[20:35:13] Jail System by: [T_S]DeStunter!
[20:35:13] --------------------------------------

[20:35:13] Loading filterscript 'rules.amx'...

You should officially have to post this in scripting help, but w/e.

Are you sure Whirlpool.dll is in your /plugins folder? Could you have misspelled the name in server.cfg (Whirlpool.dll usually starts with a capital 'W', I don't know why)?

Wrong area

Pleas lock this mod.

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