Would you be interested in a persistent, roleplay-oriented war server?

Read the title!


There would be better with just war without rp, but it's your option!.

Originally Posted by davve95
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There would be better with just war without rp, but it's your option!.
Where's the fun in that? With a standard deathmatch, there's no teamwork, communication, progression, persistence or sense of urgency whilst playing. Go look videos of Project Reality for ArmA II. Sessions sometimes last hours upon hours, and you will like you're actually contributing to some kind of prolonged struggle instead of like your kills don't mean anything.

I bet it would be enjoyable, definitely. Ehh, it will be some kind of WWll( World war 2) Or currently times when different countries are attacking each other?

Most of the things wouldn't be actually roleplayed there. It'd just turn out a massive DM fest. So I'd say no.

Not the first kind of thread made.

It would be interesting but I don't think players will have that level of maturity for it.

RP no, but the persistent part is intriguing.

Look at Planetside's model for MMOFPS style play. People fight over territory, and captured territory will STAY captured until someone takes it back. This could be minutes, hours, or days. Players on the capturing side get more benefits depending on which type of territory they capture, how much they capture, how long they hold it for, etc.

I've noticed that you need to give people an incentive to fight. Role-playing is not a good incentive. Rewarding the triumphant team w/ benefits is a better incentive.

Just some food for thought...

Also...you may be confusing "RP" w/ "Classes". Some people like to run and gun, some like to heal. Some like to build traps and repair vehicles, etc. I think classes (w/ good class BALANCE) is the way to go.

Balance is a HUGE thing too. Everyone should have the same amount of power, just via different abilities..if that makes sense. You make one class too powerful and EVERYONE will choose that class and everyone will be exactly the same (aka straight DM)

Yes I double-posted. HOLLA!!

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