Finding game modes vs start to learn scripting from scratch ?

As stated in the title,if a newbie wants to build a new gta samp server.Should he try to learn all the scripting or just search for awesome game modes? So which of these 2 would u people recommend.I would have gone for learning scripting but its really time consuming.But in the end lets see the suggestions given by u people

In my opinion, when you start scripting, you should start with editing some simple scripts.While editing, you should learn it step by step. When you are ready, you can either use your so far edited GM or just make one from scratch.
Also a newbie should read about things on the SAMP wiki.

i would Learn how to script it pays off in the long run....

Start to learn...

Understanding code and being able to write it yourself are two different things. You can't do the latter without knowing the former. I suggest you read up on the samp wiki and pawn language guide (****** pawn_language.pdf) and read through some existing scripts, try to understand what some pieces do, and alter them to see the outcome. You'll find yourself being able to understand code quite fast. (actually coding, and coming up with creative ideas to do it comes later).

Originally Posted by playbox12
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Understanding code and being able to write it yourself are two different things. You can't do the latter without knowing the former. I suggest you read up on the samp wiki and pawn language guide (****** pawn_language.pdf) and read through some existing scripts, try to understand what some pieces do, and alter them to see the outcome. You'll find yourself being able to understand code quite fast. (actually coding, and coming up with creative ideas to do it comes later).
You read my mind.. and my history.

I started by editing, it wasnt that good idea. I learnt to read the script, but after long time when it was about to script from scratch... i was in trouble. Anyway i think im at "actually coding, and coming up with creative ideas to do it comes later" -point right now, though it took a very very long time to get this point. So afterall my point is, that learn to do everything yourself, even when it seems to be hard at start, but do it still. Its rewarding after time. I know i still have alot to learn, im a half way of pro scripter.

Well listen i kinda starting this after my friend(s) pro scripter(s) told me to read GF i was kinda shocked but how reading God father would help me believe me the results were amazing ofcourse wiki is a must so finish wiki start making scripts from the things you learn so far then read God father it will help ya.

Well, it really depends..I personally would probably try to learn, but then again, I don't know if it's worth it. Reason being, I don't know how much time SAMP has left. It's eventually going to die off, and that time is probably going to come soon.

This is not meant to discourage you at learning...I may be wrong..I may have more time left.

Depends if your interested in coding.
If it's just because you "want to make a server" then it isn't worth learning it because you will never succeed.
You must be interested in scripting/coding and interested in how everything works;

You should also be dedicated to learning it and willing to spend time on it,

Originally Posted by milanosie
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Depends if your interested in coding.
If it's just because you "want to make a server" then it isn't worth learning it because you will never succeed.
You must be interested in scripting/coding and interested in how everything works;

You should also be dedicated to learning it and willing to spend time on it,
I have to say that you are kind of wrong. I am that who "wants to make server", and i am very intrested how everything works about this. But overall, i dont give a shit about making programs or coding anything else than my server. All i have to say is that we are different & do what you love to do, thats what i'm doing.

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