11.08.2012, 18:08
Последний раз редактировалось glitchdetector; 11.08.2012 в 19:17.
I have been browsing the internet most of the day trying to find a way to make certain letters from a string in the script show correctly. This includes the scandinavian ЖШЕ.
Is there any way to insert characters by their character codes?
Like this:
"SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED, CharFromCode(x) );"
The problem is that Ш shows as "А," ingame. This only happends when there is a script that prints the character. Players can by no problem print it in chat-
Is there any way to insert characters by their character codes?
Like this:
"SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED, CharFromCode(x) );"
The problem is that Ш shows as "А," ingame. This only happends when there is a script that prints the character. Players can by no problem print it in chat-