Help server is crashing

Hy guys, i have problem someone is crashing my server with "RakSAMPClient" and i dont know how to protect my server from that program, another servers are protected, when i try to connect with RakSAMPClient just say u are banned form this server

Show server log


[18:34:30] [chat] [Dusan_Kobac.K]: 112111
[18:34:30] [chat] [Dusan_Kobac.K]: 112111
[18:34:30] [chat] [Dusan_Kobac.K]: 112111
[18:34:30] [chat] [Dusan_Kobac.K]: 112111
[18:34:30] [chat] [Dusan_Kobac.K]: 112111
[18:34:30] [chat] [Dusan_Kobac.K]: 112111
[18:34:30] [chat] [Dusan_Kobac.K]: 112111
[18:34:30] [chat] [Dusan_Kobac.K]: 112111
[18:34:30] [chat] [Dusan_Kobac.K]: 112111
[18:34:30] [chat] [Dusan_Kobac.K]: 112111
[18:34:30] [chat] [Dusan_Kobac.K]: 112111
[18:34:30] [chat] [Dusan_Kobac.K]: 112111
[18:34:30] [chat] [Dusan_Kobac.K]: 112111
[18:34:30] [chat] [Dusan_Kobac.K]: 112111
[18:34:30] [chat] [Dusan_Kobac.K]: 112111
[18:34:30] [chat] [Dusan_Kobac.K]: 112111
[18:34:30] [chat] [Dusan_Kobac.K]: 112111
[18:34:30] [chat] [Dusan_Kobac.K]: 112111
And look this:

[18:59:59] [kill] Belmin_Jusufbasic killed Paul_Sorino 
[18:59:59] [kill] Zero_Gun killed Paul_Sorino 
[18:59:59] [kill] Josip_Petric killed Paul_Sorino 
[18:59:59] [kill] Dusan_Kobac killed Paul_Sorino 
[18:59:59] [kill] Paul_Sorino killed Paul_Sorino 
[18:59:59] [kill] Carlos_Lickovic killed Paul_Sorino 
[18:59:59] [kill] Belmin_Jusufbasic killed Paul_Sorino Brass Knuckles
[18:59:59] [kill] Zero_Gun killed Paul_Sorino Brass Knuckles
[18:59:59] [kill] Josip_Petric killed Paul_Sorino Brass Knuckles
[18:59:59] [kill] Dusan_Kobac killed Paul_Sorino Brass Knuckles
[18:59:59] [kill] Paul_Sorino killed Paul_Sorino Brass Knuckles
[18:59:59] [kill] Carlos_Lickovic killed Paul_Sorino Brass Knuckles
[18:59:59] [kill] Belmin_Jusufbasic killed Paul_Sorino Golf Club
[18:59:59] [kill] Zero_Gun killed Paul_Sorino Golf Club
[18:59:59] [kill] Josip_Petric killed Paul_Sorino Golf Club
[18:59:59] [kill] Dusan_Kobac killed Paul_Sorino Golf Club
[18:59:59] [kill] Paul_Sorino killed Paul_Sorino Golf Club
[18:59:59] [kill] Carlos_Lickovic killed Paul_Sorino Golf Club
My firend say its problem with ZCMD hmm?

Do you have an anti-cheat system?

Originally Posted by Ben_Gale
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Do you have an anti-cheat system?
yes i have and anticheat is perefect no bugs

Self made or was it in ur gamemode maybe u downlaoded?

i buyed GameMode and its pefrect, but it is not anticheat bad, this is

Aug 8 18:02:48 Debian-60-squeeze-64-LAMP kernel: [1132940.112884] samp03svr[8966]: segfault at 0 ip 00000000080dcbbc sp 00000000ffbab090 error 6 in samp03svr[8098000+d9000]


Sry for DP but dugi is sayed to add this:

Try add this to the start of "OnPlayerCommandText":

if (isnull(cmdtext))
    // You can add other crash detect/warning code here.
    return 0;
Can someone add that for me and past code here PLS,THANKS!

Dusan01, if you're getting hacked by RakSampClient, that's mainly bots, as i can see on your server logs, your getting spam fake killed by someone, i'm pretty sure there are includes for this, try searching around the forum, i have seen like around 3 that stops bots from joining and some other anti hacks wich are efficient.

Edit: Paul_Sorino is fake killing hacking, ban his ip or he's account and do as i told you.

him IP is dynamic....I now go search for inc

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