Change cameras

Hey.. I've been working on a security cameras.. but right now I want to make it that you'll be able to change cameras by using your arrows..

and I dont know how to do it actually..
I have only the command for the cams..

You can use this function for it:

Yea I know how to make it.. but not perfectly.. I mean.. if the player press lets say key left so it moves left.. but I should use something smarter like rands..?

I just need someone to give me small example or just small explation about it..

You said you got the commands for the cameras to change. Then detect whenever the player press his left button to execute all the codes when you go a camera to the left.

pawn Код:
if( keys == left ) // THIS IS NOT HOW IT SHOULD BE DONE, just follow the page ive sended above
    // paste here all the stuff when you want the camera go to the left
The same should go with right

something like

pawn Код:
if(newkeys == KEY_LEFT)
        return OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, "/security");

If KEY_LEFT is for the left arrow, then yes.

I was trying this:

pawn Код:
if(newkeys == KEY_LEFT)
        if(Security[playerid] == 1)
            SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, 1791.2063, -1523.6543, 5702.2305);
            SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, 1792.1201, -1523.2572, 5701.9629);
            Security[playerid] = 2;
        if(Security[playerid] == 2)
            SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, 1814.1965, -1549.2343, 5702.0610);
            SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, 1813.2019, -1549.1788, 5701.8076);
            Security[playerid] = 3;

if(strcmp(cmd, "/secon", true) == 0)
        if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 2 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 2)
            if(GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_ONFOOT)
                if (PlayerToPoint(0.7,playerid,1802.8545,-1538.0780,5700.4287))
                    Security[playerid] = 1;
                    TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 0);
                    SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, 1813.2711, -1514.7656, 5701.9863);
                    SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, 1814.1455, -1514.2896, 5702.1807);
                    return 1;
not really working.. ;/
am i missing something?

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