Preformance Profiler HELP

Ok I really don't know how to use this plugin and I need it really bad becouse my server works for 5 minutes and then starts laging like crazy...

So can anyone tell me step by step how/where to upload, and how to use this plugin, I would be most greatfull...

Thanks in advance...

Don't use this plugin, it records your server performance, not boosts your server performance. For me, it is useless

Yes yes i know it doesn't boost the server preformance but i have SOME function that obviously causes the LAG and I don't have a clue where to look for it, I have never had this problem before, and they say that this plugin does that, finds the function that makes the lag... If you know what i mean...

Bump... anyone?

Please I need this fast!!

I'll tell how ( for windows only ):
open server.cfg
add next to plugins "profiler" ( without quotations )
then add this
profile_gamemode 1
Then save it , open up ur server console , close it
then go to folder where your .amx file is saved at
and u will find the statistics there

Thank you, and what am i looking for now?

Here is the .html file if you can check it out maybe?

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